chapter 1 (prologue-ish)

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you sat on your couch groggily, scrolling through the channels to try and find something to watch.

"today at work was perilous, snuffy. i really just need a break," you groaned, slouching more than you already had been. your pet cat, snuffy, cuddled closer to your touch as you idly played with her ears.

you finally settled on the news channel; it had been a while since you had tried keeping up with current events.

the reporters shuffled their papers, glancing to each other before staring earnestly back at the screen.

"here's the word, folks..."

apparently, the miami dolphins' mascot, snowflake, was luckily retrieved by a professional... pet detective?

you were confused on two points.

one: the miami dolphins owned an ACTUAL dolphin? who allowed that?!

second: what the hell is a pet detective?!

you were intent on watching the rest of the program now; those damn anchors had you hooked.

they went on to explain that the 'pet detective' on the case was named ace ventura. he had worked with miami dolphins officials rather than the police station, and had even apprehended the perpetrator through his field expertise.

"wow, this guy doesn't play around," you exclaimed through a mouthful of granola. snuffy swatted at the nutrigrain bar in your hands, and you playfully hissed at her in return.

apparently, the pet detective was like a normal human detective- except he worked with animals rather than people.

your mind began to wander of what such a career would be like. you always had an affinity for animals, preferring them over human beings. that's why you had gone to veterinary school- but you had dropped out on account of the debt and student loans.

now you worked as an entry-level secretary at some crummy, shady business downtown. you barely met rent some months, although you did your best to provide for yourself and your beloved snuffy.

you checked the clock on the wall adjacent to your small television. 10:34. much later than you had expected.

"alright snuffy, time to get some rest my beloved!" you cooed, squishing up your cat's furry cheeks. she meowed in protest before you cradled her in your arms, carrying her to the 'bedroom'.

you made do with your one room apartment. the kitchen was situated a little too close to the living room for your comfort, but not like you could do anything about it.

you finished your skincare routine for that night with a sleep mask, gently patting your face as you took a last look in the mirror.

"you did good, y/n. tomorrow will be a better day," you affirmed. lately, you had been trying to reframe your mindset with positive statements, but it hadn't been working out.

ever since dropping out of veterinary school, life has been so much less... lively. the only thing i'm passionate about, and i can't even accomplish it because i'm too... what? incompetent? broke? stupid?

you sighed audibly, lying down in bed. it wouldn't be wise for you to dwell on the thought for much longer.

the television droned on in the background as you drifted off to sleep, newscasters still discussing that 'pet detective' which had encapsulated your mind...

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