"It is lucky that you are already betrothed, sister. With our Targaryen blood, the king would probably have wanted to betroth you to Prince Rhaegar." Robert retorted, laughing at her expression of horror. 

"Our cousin? Are you mad?" Cassandra exclaimed, not even entertaining the possibility. He was a good man and an accomplished warrior but he was dour and private, wishing for no company other than his books and his harp. 

"He can sing songs to you with his harp." Robert stated, opening his mouth to sing a merry tune in a high-pitched tone, annoying his two siblings. 

"Prince Rhaegar is intelligent. I have heard that he has read nearly all the books in the library of the Red Keep." Stannis defended, recalling the whispers of the prince's intellect. 

Robert smirked, elbowing his sister conspiratorially. "Nevermind, Cassandra. It seems our brother wants the prince for himself.

"Robert," Cassandra chastised, sending an apologetic smile to Stannis, who had turned away, further distancing himself from the conversation. 

Cassandra and Robert continued to bicker childishly, arguing over the littlest of things with some insults being thrown every now and then. Of course, none of them were ever filled with malice. It was simply how the two bonded. 

Suddenly, Stannis spoke up. "There! I think that's the Windbreaker."

The siblings all looked up expectantly to see the ship entering the harbor. Despite the dark, stormy clouds above their heads, the yellow sails stood out from the waves that mimicked endless depths. 

Smiles erupted in their faces, relief blooming in their chests at seeing confirmation of their parents' return. Letters could only do so much but seeing them so close brought much-needed comfort to the siblings who loved their parents dearly. 

They should not have spoken too soon. 

"Something's wrong." Robert murmured under his breath though his other two siblings heard his words loud and clear. 

The Windbreaker had broken course. The ship moved as though damaged, its sails waving furiously with the ship itself moving side to side. Droplets of rain fell furiously with the winds raging around them, the storm gaining strength. 

Cassandra felt a weight settle in her chest as the wind changed direction. She could only watch as the ship swerved dangerously, tilting sideways, and enabling water to enter. If the storm was to persist, the Windbreaker would be filled with water.

The waves persisted, their claws reaching out from the depths of the ocean, attacking the wooden vessel with anger and rage. With another change of direction, the Windbreaker was brought past its docking point and into Shipbreaker Bay. 

Robert, Stannis, and Cassandra could only watch as the Windbreaker smashed against the dangerous rocks that lined the bay, incurring such damage to the ship that even they, who were miles away, could not miss. 

"No!" Cassandra screamed, rushing forward to the ledge as if that could do anything when the distance between them would do no good. 

All she could do was watch as the ship gave out its final breath before disappearing amongst the treacherous waves, the large vessel being lost among the waves that caused its demise. 

She could feel the warm tears falling down her face, a contrast from the freezing raindrops that continued to trickle from the skies. Loud sobs escaped her though that too was lost in the wind as if she were a mere speckle of dust in the vastness of the universe. 

She felt a hand on her shoulder and through her tears, she could see her brother, Stannis, soaked from the rain, despair radiating from him as well. "Cassandra." 

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