"There's more coming!"

"Kili! Shoot them!"

"We're surrounded!"

The orc pack had gathered around the company, caging them. Despite their strength and weapons, they were indeed surrounded with no way out. Kili continued to fire arrows, taking out any orc that got too close.

"Where's Gandalf?" someone shouted.

The dwarves and hobbit looked around, discovering that their wizard had seemingly vanished.

"He's abandoned us," Dwalin cursed.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin ordered, pulling out his new sword. He refused to back down to a pack of orc filth, surrounded or not.

Around him, the others pulled out their weapons as well. Thorin looked around quickly to get a sense of where everyone was in comparison to the pack.

"This way, you fools!"

Thorin looked back to find Gandalf once again disappearing into the rocks.

"Come on, move!" he ordered. He didn't know what the wizard was plotting, or where he was hiding them, but he didn't have much of a choice. If he wanted to live, he would have to trust Gandalf. "Quickly! All of you!"

One by one, the men jumped into the secret passage, sliding to safety. Thorin stayed at the surface, making sure everyone made it. Oreliell and Vedis stood at the base of the rocks, acting as a barrier between the dwarves and the orcs, though some did manage to slip through. Thorin swung his sword at a warg, slicing into its neck with ease. Thorin didn't look at the creature as it fell, needing to keep his eyes on the rest of the approaching scum. Soon, only Kili remained, still too far out for Thorin's liking.

"Kili!" he shouted to his nephew. "Run!"

The young prince turned and ran for the tunnel. Thorin scanned the area again, his eyes widening when he saw one of the wargs charging at Kili. Before he could even call for his nephew, Vedis shot forward. She ran past Kili, blade drawn at her side. Just before she came in contact with the orc rider, she knelt down and sliced at the warg's legs. The creature stumbled and collapsed, giving Vedis the opportunity to kill both it and its orc rider.

Kili tried to look back at her but was pushed toward the opening by Oreliell. The archer hesitated only briefly before following Fili down the hole. Thorin's feet felt like metal as he debated on jumping. Oreliell shot a look at him.

"Go!" she shouted. "We're right behind you!"

With a nod, Thorin jumped down, landing squarely on the stone floor.

Suddenly, a distant horn sounded, catching all of their attention. The company looked up, but were unable to see what was happening above them. Cries and grunts were heard, as well as blades crashing, but they were still in the dark. Thorin couldn't help but wonder where Oreliell and Vedis were in the midst of those noises.

A minute later, an orc came tumbling down the passage, landing at their feet with an arrow in its neck. When it didn't move, Thorin stepped forward, ripping the arrow free to examine who had attacked the pack.

"Elves," he spat, recognizing the arrow tips. The dwarf looked at Gandalf, ready to give the old man an earful.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads!" Dwalin suddenly said. He was already scouting ahead. "Do we follow it or no?"

"Follow it, of course!" Bofur said.

They were eager to get away from the orcs, whether they were alive or not.

"I think that would be wise," Gandalf muttered.

They followed the stone passage. Some of the dwarves were almost too large to fit through some of the sections, but with the help of the others, they made it through.

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