One of Thoes Days

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It was currently three in the afternoon and I was laying in my old room on the bed with a heating pad on my lower belly and thinking about how today was just one thing after the other.

First yesterday when Levi gave us the information, we found out that they were indeed following us. The guys started to blame themselves due to not enough attention, their words not mine, I told them it wasn't their fault and even though they didn't believe me they let it go for a while.

Then today they decided to have a meeting and when I was about to go down to the meeting since they wanted my presence there and then I got a call so I told them to go on ahead and I will meet them their and they understood when I told them it was the principal for the school I tutor at was calling me.

When I picked up the phone call he immediately start the conversation out like "Hello Miss Mason I have seen that you have had a great success with Alex and your brother but we are sorry to say that we are letting you go since we are not in need of your services anymore" then he just hung up. I stood there shocked for a moment completely confused but then it kicked in I have an important meeting to go to so crying will be afterwards.

When I walked into the meeting I walk start to my seat as they were talking to one another about different strategies and different orders of business but as I sat there I couldn't focus. All I could think about was that how could they give up on me like that? Was I bad at my job? Did I elt all the kids down? Did I not push myself hard enough? Maybe I just wasn't good at my job. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I quickly started to listen to what was going on around me and that is when I heard Lennox calling quits on today's meeting and there will be another in two days time for updates.

When everyone got up and left I got up and was pushing in my chair when I noticed O had bled through on the chair and I had grey pants on. I sigh and let my eyes close and let my head fall back as if I was looking up at the ceiling and I felt tears roll down my face then I felt two hands wipe my tears away from each cheek.

L--"Why are you crying sweet girl?"

M--"Yes we would like to know so we can fix it" I look at the guys and say,

S--"Well here is the list as to whats wrong with me, one is that I am beyond tired, two is I just got fired from my job, three I am horny and I can't have sex, and four I just bled through which is humiliating, and five I am scared of what the Antonio guy wants from me and I know you have it under control but I am still scared, and finally I am going to leave before I say anything else and take a shower, so bye, and I will see you later" I walked up the stair to my old bedroom to embarrassed to go to our room right now.

When I went in I immediately went to the closet got out clothes to change into and a heat pad walking over to my bed plugging it in and turning it on so it would be warm when I get out of the shower then walking into the bathroom and immediately taking a shower thinking of how stupid I had really sounded in front of them.

When I got out of the shower I quickly did what I had two and quickly went to lay down on my bed with a heating pad on and before I laid down my phone dinged and I saw it was a message from Lennox and Maddox,

L--"Sweat girl everything will be fine, and we will talk to you in a little bit just rest and clear your head, also I called and gave the principal a piece of my mind"

M--"Hey my love don't worry about anything okay, get some rest then we will talk when you are ready, also ps. I cleaned the chair so you wouldn't have to, also remember there is nothing to be embarrassed by" and that leads us to where I am now still laying in my bed thinking about everything but I know I will have to get up soon since I have to help with dinner.

I looked over at the clock and I see that it is now 3:46, I sigh grabbing the heating pad off of my lower stomach and turned it off then standing up off the bed grabbing my phone off the bed and start making my way down the hallway and down to the kitchen where I heard everybody talking. I walk in an dthe room quieted down and everybody looked at me and what broke my heart was how Alex looked like she had been crying and she said,

A--"Will you still help me if I need it?"

S--"Of course I will help you whenever you aren't sure about something, or when you just need help in general I am still here and I don't think your brother will allow me to go anywhere" I said jokingly but then I saw the look on their faces faces I knew that they took that statement seriously, I cleared my throat amd said,

S--"So no more tears okay? And what are we cooking I would like to help!" She nodded walking up to me giving me a small hug and then Lennox and Maddox spoke up,

M--"Spaghetti with meatballs"

L--"Since you have had a long day and we wanted to make you your favorite dish tonight" I nodded my head happily and said,

S--"Can I cut up a salad too?"

M--"Love you can do anything you want"

L--"Yes anything you want sweat girl, I am making homemade garlic bread also" I smiled excited for this meal, and also smiled at the fact that I have amazing boyfriends.

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