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I fall down on the thrift store couch and close my eyes thinking of how much I hated the teachers I work alongside of the very rude teachers. They are always making rude comments about me when they think I can't hear. Let me introduce myself my name is Serenity Mason; I am a 22-year-old tutor for 16-17-year old's which is grade 11 or known as Junior year, and now days you could also classify me as a teacher assistant. The other teachers always talk about me because I am shorter than they are standing at 5'6 when they are 5'8 and above with their blond hair and blue eyes, where I have black hair and green eyes. It also doesn't help that I am three times their size where I am 358 pounds compared to their size two model bodies.

I shake my head getting up from the couch and walk into my kitchen and quickly take out a frozen meal quickly placing it in the microwave and while it is cooking, I go to the fridge and take out a water cracking it open and putting a drink mix in it, make sure to shake it really well and set it aside when I heard my dinner was ready by the beeping sound of the microwave going off. I quickly take the dinner out and put it on the table while I let it cool down a bit before eating it, I look at my papers and see how Alex did on her test that she handed me and I sighed, Alex is a young girl I have been working with for little more than a month and I am really worried about he studies, she is very smart and can do the stuff but when she does the test she seems to forget it all.

I then pick up her report card and see that we definitely have to work on what to do about it, she has three d's, two c's, and one b. She is also in a sport, so I need to help her get her grades up and fast. I set all the stuff aside and slide my dinner back in front of me and start eating it. After I finished, I threw away my trash and then sat back down at the table and finish up some work. As I was writing up some problem for Alex to solve or answer and when I got to question 14, I stopped and thinking maybe we need to find a new way, but I don't know what to do just yet. I look up and see the time and I sigh, I packed all of my stuff up for tomorrow since it is Friday.

When I get my stuff packed up, I put it by the front door along with my keys. I then take my tired self into my room and strip from my clothes putting them in the dirty hamper and then I passed by my body length mirror and stop looking over my body and I sigh thinking of each thing I don't like about my body and I quickly walk into the bathroom and hop in the shower making it a very slow shower since recently the teachers around school like to talk about me more loudly than usual since the newer teacher came at the beginning of the year and also the teacher I help out in the classroom, everywhere I go she is talking about me I am beginning to think she has no other hobbies than to talk to me to all of the other teachers that have disliked me over the years.

When I was finished, I quickly got out and dried off, when I was dried, I threw on my robe and walked up to the counter, I picked up a makeup wipe quickly taking off the remaining makeup around my eyes that I didn't get in the shower before moving onto my hair I quickly brushed it and then dried it, so I don't have to worry as much in the morning. When my hair was finally done, I quickly brushed my teeth before walking out of the bathroom shutting off my light and closing the door. When I plugged in my phone, I realized that I was thirsty, and I walked back out into the fridge and grab a plain water from the fridge and drank from it before putting it back in the fridge for in the morning, I also quickly picked up a granola bar walking to where my keys are and I sit it down beside them knowing that every Friday I have a really hard time in being on time. I quickly locked my door before walk back into my bedroom and was walking acrossed to my bed and I heard my phone go off I sigh knowing who it is, I pick up without even looking,

S--"Hey girl"

F--"What's up girl" she acted like I called her, and I giggled before saying

S--"Faith you do realize that you did call me first, right?"

F--"Oh... well I am nervous about asking you something"

S--"What is it? Are you okay?"

F--"Yes I am I just want to go out with my best friend this weekend"

S--"Like what?" I know what and she know that I hate the idea of clubbing,

F--"Can you just please go this once with me, it is at the biggest night club in the city" I sighed and think about it and when I heard he say please over and over again through the phone I knew I had to say yes

S--"Ugh Fine, this Saturday"

F--"It can't be Saturday I have a date that night with a guy names Knox who happens to own the club, so tomorrow will have to do"

S--"Okay fine tomorrow it is then, now I must go to sleep, or I will be late for work in the morning"

F--"Okay night girly"

S--"Goodnight" I relied before hanging up the phone and falling onto my bed thinking, tomorrow is going to be a bad day I feel it, with that thought I feel myself drifting to sleep.

Curvy Tutor Turned QueenWhere stories live. Discover now