Barbeque Time pt. 1

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I woke up from yet another dream with us three in it together doing things in a bed and it was wonderful, but it was a dream the reality is that they could never be with somebody like me, I was working a job that pays only a little bit over minimum wage, I live in an apartment that is furnished with thrift store things, I am a too big for them, I have black hair, green eyes, and I am short. They need somebody that is making a lot of money, so they don't feel like they are going to break something as soon as they walk in because almost all of it is made of marble or glass. They need somebody that is blond hair, skinny, tall, and has blue eyes, somebody that is equally as beautiful as they are. So, the only things I am remotely close to getting from them is in my dreams. 

I need to stop think about this shit, I get up from bed and see that it is 11:30 so I decided to take a quick shower and when I got out I put my robe on and walked out into my bedroom right as I was putting on my clothes there was a knock on my door and I walked out to my door unlocking it and when I opened it I see my best friend standing there wearing a sun dress her hair is curled and down, and her makeup is already done. 

F--"Okay we have to get you ready!"

S--"Why now?" she looked at me guilty, 


F--"Okay so the barbeque isn't until three, but they wanted our help setting up for it since there is going to be a lot of people" 

S--"When do we have to be there?"

F--"1:30-ish" I sigh and wavered her in and went back to the bathroom she got the makeup stuff ready, and my outfit laid out while I went in and dried my hair then put some curls in it, walking out and sitting in the chair and said, 

S--"You are lucky we have a two-day break, and that you are my best friend because guess what?"

F--"What?" I closed my eyes so she could do my eye makeup, 

S--"You know the kid I tutor?"

F--"Yeah Alex, right?"

S--"Yep, well she was having a hard time focusing so we wanted to go to a library or some place to get her out of the school so much and somewhere she could study better but her family wouldn't let her just go random places by herself, so they told her it was pretty much either the school or at her house, so she agreed to having me tutor her at her house so when I went yesterday guess who her brothers are"


S--"Lennox and Maddox" 

F--"As in Knox's friends?"


F--"As in the ones you danced with, well dry humped in the middle of the dance floor?"

S--"Oh my gosh yes" I blushed, 

F--"That is crazy, it is such a small world" 

S--"Yep sure is" she put eyeliner on and mascara on me and some lip gloss and then I was done. I walked over to my dresser and asked from the dresser, 

S--"Hey do you mind grabbing me a cup of coffee so we can leave right after I get dressed?"

F--"Yep sure can, can I have a cup?" 

S--"Of course you can have some" when she leaves, I slip on some underwear, and I take off my robe quickly putting a bra on and then I walked over to the bed grabbing the dress putting it on then walked over to my shoe rack and put on some white heels to match the little bit of whit in the flowers. I grabbed my phone of the charger and my purse that I was currently using, and I walked out of the bedroom to be met with Faith having two, to-go cups of coffee ready and my keys in her hand, 

S--"Do you want to drive again?"

F--"Yes please"

S--"Okay I will give you directions on the way to the house" she nodded and before we knew it, we were in my car and headed to their house. When we pulled up, I see Faith's mouth hung opened and I saw the same guy walk up to the driver's side window, 

G--"Hi ma'am back again?" 

S--"Yes but this time for the cookout"

G--"Do you mind if I just call and make sure since you have a passenger?" 

S--"Go right ahead" he calls up to the house and then walks back to the car, 

G--"Good to go girls have a nice time" I smiled back at him and said, 

S--"Thank you have a good day" with that Faith drove up to the house and I laughed at Faiths face when we park, 

S--"You better close your mouth you might catch a fly" 

F--"I knew all three were rich but not this rich" I laugh which causes her to laugh as we walk up to the door, after we sobered ourselves up, we then knocked on the door and when the door opens, we are greeted by one of the twins and by the shorter beard I know it is Lennox, 

L--"Come in, thank you for coming early to help set up" 

F--"Your welcome, can you tell me where Knox is?"

L--"He is in the back yard, go right through them sliding doors over there and then you will see him" 

F--"Thank you" she took off leaving me here alone with him, 

L--"Do you know how to make a fruit try and vegetable tray?" 

S--"Yep" I said nervously and followed him into the kitchen where I see Maddox sitting and peeling potatoes,  

M--"Good to see you again my love" I blush and said a quiet hi but other than that I didn't talk. I walked over to the counter and asked either one of them, 

S--"Where do you want me?" they both smirked and I blush, 

S--"Where is your stuff located at in this kitchen?" 

L--"Vegetables and fruits are in the first draw of the fridge, and I will get you everything else" I nod and walked over to the fridge taking out all of the stuff I needed and then walked back to the counter where I see two cutting boards, a knife, and two long dishes where I put the vegetables and fruit on after I am done cutting them up. I first wash all the food then I bring it back to the station and I am beyond nervous since they won't stop looking at me and I sigh focusing on task. Halfway through my job I felt a body press up against my back and I looked up and saw Lennox looking at me with a smirk on his face, I felt his breath on my ear and then he said,  

M--"Very nice my love, you are great at this, what else are you great at" I cleared my throat and I felt him start to snake his hands around my stomach and that is when I tensed up, 

S--"Umm Maddox can you please give me some space?" I hate it when people touch me on my stomach, and I felt him back up and walked around the island once again but this time he leans against the counter I was working on rather than sitting at the table and Lennox decides to join him, 

L--"What happened, I saw the lust you had on your face then all of a sudden you changed, is it something we did" I just kept cutting until Lennox said in a demanding voice, 

L--"Tell us what is the matter"

S--"The problem is I don't know you other than I saw you at the coffee shop, danced at a club with both of you, and now I am tutoring your sister, that is it, I don't know you well enough for you to touch me that intimately, maybe ask me on a date and get to know me"

M--"Fine will you go on a date with us?" 

S--"I will think about it" I smiled and got back to work. 

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