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It has been a month since we had our talk and, in that month, we have been going out on dates but have yet to move past innocent kisses on the lips or neck, holding hands, or their hands resting on my thighs. We have yet to put a name on it, but I don't want to push them and act needy. As for my job I am only taking on my brother and Alex as of right now since the other kid got her grades up which is good. My brother is doing much better, and Alex is doing good in all of her classes but math, she is now passing with a low C, but she is wanting it up to at least a B. 

Everyone has been extremely busy around here for the past week or week and a half, and when I ask if everything is okay, they all kind of ignore my questions about this business and move on to a different topic. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the twins sitting down on the couch beside me. 

L--"What are you doing?" I realized that I was staring at the wall in front of me zoned out, I cleared my throat and said, 

S--"Nothing, what are you guys doing?" I looked at both of them and they said something that got on my nerves, they have been saying it every time I ask them something about work, 

M--"Work, nothing to concern you with" it was silent for a few seconds while I thought if I should ask them, 

S--"Do you two not trust me?"

L--"Why do you ask that?"

S--"Because both of you both ignore me or find a different topic to talk about when I talk to you both about work, so do you not trust me with the information?"

M--"It's not that..."

S--"Then what is it?"

L--"It is only because if you ever get kidnapped, you won't know anything so they won't torture it out of you, or another reason is because this life can get a lot and we don't want you to burden it" 

S--"One I wouldn't as if I didn't think I can handle myself, and I can burden it because I ask, do you not remember that I know what you do? I know that you kill, I know that you distribute weapons, I know all of this, but I still ask you how your day went and if you could tell me about your day because that is what I receive form you every day, you guys always listen and ask me about my day, I just want to know what happened and if you had a good or bad day" I saw them look at each other and smile, they both looked back at me and what they said shocked me, 

M--"Will you officially be our girlfriend?" my eyes went big, 

L--"We were going to ask you a little more romantically, but things are rough at work right now but after hearing you say that we want you to be our girl... officially" 

S--"Yes I would love to be your guy's girlfriend" Lennox grabbed my face in his strong muscular hands pulling me in for a passionate kiss. When I was let go my face was turned towards Maddox and his hands we just as strong and muscular as Lennox but maybe a little rougher, and I was brought back into yet another passionate kiss that left me extremely breathless when we pulled away. I smiled at them, and I suddenly got an idea, 

S--"Can me, Faith, and Alex go to the mall?" they looked at each other then back down to me and the nodded their heads and I jumped off the couch and was about to run and tell them but when I went to take a step I was pulled back down on the couch and they looked at me with a serious look, 

L--"You are to have a guard with you, you are to go to the mall and back, and if you need any help don't hesitate to call me or Maddox, okay?" 

S--"A guard? Again?" last time we went a couple of weeks ago we had to have a guard too, 

M--"Yes things are still not figured out, Antonio is still on our radar, and we don't want anything to happen to you, our little sister, or our best friend's girl to get hurt" I nod and went to get up again but was pull back down yet again and I let out a breath, 


L--"Were is our goodbye kiss?" I leaned over planning on a quick kiss but turned into a small make out and when he released me, I turned my head over to Maddox putting my hand behind his neck bringing his lips to mine doing the same to him. 

A--"Gross we don't really need to see this" I pulled away and I looked over at the sliding doors that lead to the back yard, and I saw Alex, Faith, and Knox. I get up from the couch and say excitedly, 

S--"We are going to the mall" the girls lit up and ran to me grabbing each of my arms and dragged me up to my room and I explained that we have to have a guard with us again and I also explained what my plan is tonight, and we have to get the right stuff for tonight. We got our purses, and we walked down the stairs and was met with the same guard as last time his name was Smith. We make it out to the car and in thirty minutes we make it to the mall. When we walk in, we don't go to Victoria secret like usual women instead we go to Torrid where there is a lot of plus size lingerie. 

When we walked in, we looked at a couple different things one our way to the back section of the store that is where they keep the women underwear selection. When we walked back, I was looking through all kinds of different stuff and I was biggening to lose hope, 

S--"I can't find anything that matches both Maddox and Lennox" I told Alex and Faith, when I looked left, I saw a girl judging me, but I don't care about her I just want to make this night a good night. 

F--"What colors do they like?"

S--"Red and Black" 

A--"Okay well all we have to do is find one that has both red and black in it" I nod my head and we all went back to looking, when suddenly I heard Alex and Faith say really loudly at the same time, 

F/A--"Found it!" I laugh and walk over to them and see that they have found the same one just on different racks. 

S--"I will go and try it on and see if it fit me" I take it and walk to the dressing rooms, I quickly take my clothes off and try it on and it was absolutely beautiful, it was red material with elegant black lace on covering over the red. I quickly get changed and walked out and said, 

S--"We have found it, it fit, and looked beautiful, thank you guys for your help" 

F--"You're welcome ren-ren"

A--"You're welcome" we finally paid and then made our way back home and I was so excited that I could barely sit still on the way home.   

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