Hot and Meetings

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I woke up the next day and groaned from the lower stomach cramps and I roll back over on my back and try to fall back asleep, but I couldn't, so I got up and walled to the bathroom quickly doing my morning routine before stepping into the shower.

When I was done with my shower I dry off and walk over to the door with a towel wrapped around me and see them both sitting up against the headboard looking at their phones, I look away and walk into my closet walking over to my underwear grabbing a pair of comfortable one, I pick up a pair of leggings and I also pick up a t-shirt then walk back out of the closet and I see them both looking at me now,

L--"Good morning my sweet girl"

M--"Good morning my love" they both looked my body up and down,

S--"Good morning you two" I smiled at both of them and continued my walk into the bathroom, I quickly threw my shirt on not caring to put my bra on and then quickly sat down on the toilet to put on a pad then I quickly pulled my underwear up then put my pants on to finish my look of the day. I walked up to the mirror to brush my hair out and I opted for leaving my hair wet and with that I walked out of the bathroom where I saw a surprise waiting for me.

When I had walked out if the bathroom, I saw my men with their head leaned back against the headboard, no shirts on like usual, and in their boxers like usual, but what I was not expecting was them to both be pleasing themselves.

I heard two groans and that brought me out of my head, and I looked up from their hands that were pleasing both of them and I see them looking directly at me. I heard two more grunts when I finally see them both release. I blush and look down at the floor.

L--"You don't need to be embarrassed sweet girl" he was breathing heavy.

M--"Come here love" I walked over to the bed and climbed on it sitting down in between them saying without looking up at them,

S--"You have seen me help myself well before you both took over, but it is different to be on the other end, I am sorry for interrupting it."

L--"I don't know about him but actually when you walk out in the towel and nothing else started it, and also when you walked in here fully dressed but braless underneath damn... shit if I don't stop thinking of your boobs I am going to be hard all over again"

M--"Did you enjoy watching us?" I cleared my throat,

S--"Yes it was very... hot" I glanced over at the alarm clock and see that it was now noon and I figured early study season is okay since she has three days off for some teacher conference thing a couple of our teacher gets to do so they literally shut down the high school for it, I get up saying,

S--"I will see you guys later I will be tutoring your sister and my brother" I walked out of the room with one last kiss for right now and I go on a hunt for Alex and Blake. When I finally see them, I ask them,

S--"Do you guys want to get our study session done early?" They jumped up nodding their head,

S--"Okay let's get to work" I say with a smile.  It is now 3 o'clock and we have worked on studying for a couple of hours and they have done everything right, so we decide to call it for a day just as the twins walk up to me and say,

L--"Hey can you come with us for a second?" I nod standing up thanking them after asking them if they minded picking up all their work with, they agreed, now I am walking to what seems like the direction of the conference room they have here,

S--"Guys where exactly are we going?"

M--"We need you in the meeting with us" I nodded and walked into the room after them but stopped when I saw a lot of guys in there, why are there so many? And why are all their eyes on me for?

I felt a hand behind my back when I looked up Lennox was pointing to the head of the table where there were three chairs at the end of the table and also where Maddox was already sitting gesturing me over with one single finger.

I pushed all the questions that were swarming my head and walked over to Maddox, and I see Lennox pulling out the middle chair and I sit down, and I am still looking down but when I hear a deep voice from my left which is Maddox,

M--"There is nothing to worry about, they are our men."

L--"We would just like you to become used to a little bit of these meetings since you will be declared our queen in a few day" I swallowed that large lump in my throat and nodded my head and looked up but not daring to look anyone in the eye and I felt my thighs quickly being accompanied by two very strong hands and I slightly leaned back in the chair to try and relax a little.

As the meeting went on, they talked about a lot of different things such as shipments, new member, old members, and how the casino is regulating just the right amount of money, then I heard one of the guys say,

L--"Sir's we have spotted Antonio three times in the last week, and he was close to this land and the main compound."

L--"How close Levi?" I let my hand wonder to their hand, and I gripped a hold of them and looked from each brother and see them both rigid, and holding their other hand that wasn't touching my skin was balled in a tight fist, so I gave their hands a tight squeeze and I felt their eyes on me before they looked back to the table and asked the Levi guy,

L--"Where was he located?"

L--"Sir he was at a gas station on the outskirts of town, second location was by the apartment that looked to be in the okay part of town, and third was at a grocery store not too far from here" I suddenly felt a hand leave off my left thigh and then I heard a punching sound from my left and when I looked up at Maddox I see that he had punched the wall and now was walking out of the room.

I held onto Lennox hand a little harder and looked over at him and I saw his eyes were closed and he was leaning back into his chair rubbing his opposite hand down his face then when he looked up, he looked in my direction and said,

L--"Levi I will need to the exact locations in 30 minutes so get busy, we are doubling security so James and Steve please pick 10 more people no more, no less, that can be trusted and place them around the house, this meeting is over for right now" he stands up and holds out a hand for me to take which I gladly take, when I was standing he interlocked our fingers then we made our way down the hallway that were came down and then to a right to a short hallway that I never noticed either and when we walked in I was met with a huge indoor workout room and when I started to look around I see Maddox punching a punching bag so hard that I thought I would see him punch a whole straight through it.

He stopped and rested his head against the bag, and we started walking again and we soon came close to him, and he finally heard us walking and said,

M--"Len just give me a second to cool down."

L--"Mad look up" Maddox looked up and look at his brother then he slowly drugs his eyes from his brother down to me and he looked... surprised, maybe that I am here.

M--"Love what are you doing in here?"

S--"Lennox and I wanted to check on you. Are you okay?" He raised completely up and motioned for me to come to him, and I oblige by walking over to him and into his arms. I just realized that when the twin hug somebody they do it with their whole heart since they don't hug anybody at all. I melted in his arms when I felt him kiss the top of my head and it caught me by surprise at what he said,

M--"It just hurt me deep, deeper than anything has hurt me before and I have been through a lot."

S--"What hurt?"

M--"The thought somebody wants to follow us and take you away from us" that is when I felt more arms wrap around my torso,

L--"We wouldn't know what to do with ourselves if anything happened to you" I nodded my head in understanding and just as I was about to say something back to them, we were interrupted by the guy that was sent to get information at the meeting.

L--"Sir's, ma'am, we have the stuff you were requesting" that is when I felt them let me go and I slowly and ticked off at having to move, I stood in between them as we walked to their office for the news that they had found out.

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