chapter 12

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Rece's POV

"Yes. I do." I said quietly

"No Rece come on! You don't need those!" Jackson yelled, that was the first time I had heard him raise his voice like that, it'd probably be the last time too.

"Jackson, just go. You don't need to see this. Just leave." I couldn't even look him in the eye, I kept my focus on the sleeping pills lined up in front of me, I counted them out, 15 pills. I just wanted to be gone.

"Rece please!" I could hear it in his voice, he was crying. "Just get away from the desk!" He yelled as he grabbed my shoulder

I shoved him back and he fell on the floor. He looked at me absolutely terrified. Either of me. Or what I was about to do.

"What the hell is going on in he-" My little sister Rylee said as she walked in, she noticed the pills. "Rece.."

"Rylee just walk away."

"No! You are not going to do this Rece!" She bolted over by me, swiping the pills into her hand

"Rylee give them back!" I yelled

"No! I'm not letting my big brother die! I'm not fucking letting that happen! You are not leaving me! For fucks sake look at Jackson! Your gonna just try to leave us! Like you tried last time! What would Iris think?! She wouldn't want you to do this Rece!"

"Don't you fucking bring her into this" I yelled, a lump formed in my throat at the thought of Iris, tears were welling up in my eyes. What would Iris think.

"I'm gonna bring her into this! She would want you to keep living and be strong! Can't you just do that for her....for us?" She sobbed

I looked at her, I could see how scared she was. How could I do this to her, to my family.

"I'm so sorry" I cried

"Rece." She hugged me tightly, "promise me, you won't do this again."

"I-i promise" I cried

So the ebola virus....that's gotta suck

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