Chapter 4

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Soon we had found out that we could go see Theo. Flora and I followed the Nurse to his room. He was sitting there staring out the window at the sunrise. I hadn't realized how long we had been there until just then.

"Theo." I said sitting in the chair next to his bed

He sat there not saying anything.

"What the hell were you thinking" I asked

Again no response.

"God damnit Theo! Why won't you say anything. Rece is most likely gonna wake up paralyzed because of you you dumbass!" Flora blurted out

"Flora! Go easy on him"

"No! He shouldn't have done that, he knew what he was doing" she said angrily

"I get it but right now isn't the time to lecture him" I said

"Why? He deserves it" she said

"I know your mad at him but it's not the time" I glared at her

She rolled her eyes and sat in the chair next to mine. It was silent the whole time we were in there except for when the nurses came in to check his vitals.

Soon visitor time was over and we had to leave. Callie dropped Flora and I off at our house. Mom and Dad weren't home as usual they were on a business trip.

Flora went up to her room and automatically fell asleep. I flopped on the couch and laid there just staring at the ceiling stuck in my thoughts.

"What the hell was Theo thinking? Why would he do that especially when he knew what would happen?"


Time skip

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I groaned and sat up, I grabbed my phone to see that it was Callie calling me.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone

"We're gonna go see Rece do you two wanna come with" she asked

"Yeah of course."

"Alright we'll be there in a bit" she hung up

I set my phone down and went up to Flora's room. She was sitting on her bed watching a figure skating competition on tv.

"Hey kiddo, Callie's gonna pick us up to go see Rece" I said leaning against the doorframe

"Alright" she said turning off the tv and getting up

We went downstairs and saw Callie's car outside. I grabbed my backpack and we went out to the car. We got in and drove to the hospital.


Time skip

Rece POV

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the brightness from the sun shining in my room.

"Rece!" My little sister ran over to me

"Where am I?" I asked groggily

"Your in the hospital" Callie said "you and Theo got in a fight"

I tried sitting up but I couldn't feel my legs.

"I- I can't feel my legs. Why can't I feel my legs?" I panicked

"Rece calm down" Rylee said

"No! I can't feel my legs!"

Suddenly the doctor and a nurse came in.

"Ah I see he's up." The doctor said calmly

"He can't feel his legs" Rylee said quietly "just like you said"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Rece, when you were in that fight you were cut in the back of your neck right causing you to be paralyzed from the waist down" he explained

"So I won't be able to walk or do anything with my legs again" I asked

"Pretty much" he said

I stayed silent knowing that if I even spoke it would lead to a fit of rage and frustration.

"Rece..." Rylee said softly

"Go away" I said staring at the ceiling

"Rece come on don't push us away" Jayna said

"Go away!" I yelled

Rylee and Jayna glanced at each other and walked out of the room, everyone else following them.

I managed to pull myself up so I was sitting up. I leaned against the wall and just stared out the window trying to keep myself from thinking about anything, but I couldn't. I would never be able to play hockey again, the one thing that made me happy was gone because of a stupid fight.

Hope you enjoyed! - Your Friendly Neighborhood Dumbass <3

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