Chapter 1

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"Rece! Quit hogging the puck!" Flora giggled

"Oh Flora haven't you learned? You gotta take it from me" I laughed

"Ughhhhh fine"

Flora Sheldon, one of my good friends. We met because her sister, Jayna, always hung out at our house. I found out that Flora was in figure skating and would always beg Jayna to take her to the rink. One day I finally asked Jayna if she wanted me to take Flora with. Jayna said sure and we became quick friends.

Flora also got along real well with my best friend, Jackson Cade. Jackson is selectively mute and finds it hard to talk to people he doesn't know. He's mainly only talkative with me, his siblings, and pony's brother, Miles. Flora learned quickly that he was hesitant to meet new people, and was very careful around him so as not to scare him. Flora was the first person I had ever seen him warm up to so quickly, heck he even started teaming up on me with her. It made me happy to see him come out of his shell a little bit, even if it was only one person it just showed that it depends on the person and how they go about trying to be friends with him.

"I'm gonna get ya" Flora skated past me

I turned and moved the puck away from her stick. Suddenly Jackson zoomed past me and took the puck, passing it to Flora.

"Woah! Did you plan that Flora?"

She giggled and nodded skating towards the net and shooting it in.

"Wooooo 1 point for Sheldon, zero for Winston" she giggled spinning around

"Flora god your making me dizzy" I laughed

She giggled and stopped.

"Thank you" I laughed

"Your welcome"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. It was getting pretty late.

"I think we should head home, the rinks gonna close soon" I said putting my phone back in my pocket

"Awwwww alright" Flora whined

She handed me her stick and we got off the ice. We all took our skates off and I put them in my duffle bag.

"Alright you guys have everything?" I asked

"Yep" Flora said giving me a thumbs up

"Yes" Jackson nodded

"Then we're off" I said

We walked out of the rink, the sting of the cold air hitting my face. We started walking back home.

Hope you enjoyed - Your Friendly Neighborhood Dumbass <3

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