Chapter 9

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Slater's POV

I was sitting on the couch watching The Intern when the doorbell rang. Everyone else was busy doing shit so I paused the movie and got up to open the door. Whoever the hell it was they were really impatient because I was only a foot away from the door when they started pounding on the door.

"Jesus I'm coming chill" I said opening the door

When I opened the door I saw a person that I sure as hell did not want to see and it would probably be even worse if Rece saw him let alone my other siblings. Who might that be you may ask? Our dad. That's right THE father Winston. The one who made all of our lives a living hell. The one who belittled my siblings because he was a piece of shit who couldn't fix his own life. The one who drank so much that we had to protect each other from him.

"Slater" he grinned "thought you were still in jail for that murder. Guess I was wrong"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said knowing that he was up to no good

"I'm here to pick up Rece" he said trying to step inside the house.

I leaned against the door way making it so he couldn't go in.

"Uh not gonna happen" I said

"Well I don't think that's your decision is it now? Your not his father are you? No. No your not. Your just his useless older brother. Besides why should he be staying here when it's basically the whole reason that he can't walk in the first place"

"No your not taking him home you'll just make it worse for him"

"Slater what's going on?" Rylee said coming up behind me

"This guy was just leaving" I said staring straight into my dad's eyes

"Uh no I wasn't good try though" he said standing up straight to make himself looking threatening

"What the hell do you want?" Rylee snapped

"Well that's no way to greet your father" he said

"You don't even count as a father" she said stepping outside

"Now let's cut the small talk, get Rece out here now"

"No! Why should we? You'll just make it even worse for him so kindly- no actually you don't get any kindness from me go fuck yourself! No way is rece going to live with a piece of shit and be even more miserable!" Rylee yelled

He slowly walked up to her then suddenly slapped her across the face.

"Oh you bitch" I tackled him to the ground

"Well you guys certainly didn't learn how to respect your parents" he said as he punched me in the face

"No we learned them we just don't have to respect a lowlife like you" I grabbed him by his shirt and put him in a headlock.

I could smell the stench of alcohol on him it was not pleasant and brought back a ton of bad memories from new York. He struggled trying to get out but due to his own drunkenness he couldn't get free.

"Rylee go get Callie tell her to call the police" I said tightening my grip around him

She nodded and darted into the house. Shortly after police came racing down the street and came to arrest our dad.

Hope you enjoyed! - Your Friendly Neighborhood Dumbass <3

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