chapter 11

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Jackson's POV

It was all my fault. It was my fault. I know it was my fault. Everyone acts like it wasn't but it was. If I wasn't so much of a wimp Rece wouldn't have gotten hurt. He would be able to play hockey. He wouldn't be shutting everyone out. He would be fine. But I had to be wimpy and pathetic. I couldn't just fight back. I sat there and watched. It's my fault!

"Hey you're Jackson right?" I looked up from where I was sitting, she had brown hair and kind of looked like Rece.

I didn't know who she was. I don't like talking to new people and usually Rece is here to help me.

"Um hello?" She looked at me confused

I waved slightly.

"Your rece's best friend right?" She asked

I nodded.

"I'm Nova, I'm his big sister." She smiled and held her hand out for me to shake

I looked at it and hesitated before shaking her hand.

"Have you talked to Rece?" She asked as she sat down next to me

I shook my head and fidgeted with the strings on my hoodie.

"How come?"

I stayed silent. I hate talking to people. I only talk with Rece, Flora, a few of my siblings, and Miles Curtis. She was waiting for an answer.

"It's my fault he got hurt." I whispered

"What? How?"

"He wouldn't have gotten hurt if I hadn't been a wimp and didn't fight back. I should've fought back." I whispered as I hugged my knees

"Jackson, Rece would have fought that guy anyways. That's just how he is. He's a big tough guy with a big heart. He's gonna go after whoever hurts his friends. If anything it's that assholes fault for being so high and mighty thinking he can beat up whoever he pleases. Don't blame yourself."

"You really think so?" I whispered

"Yes I do. I may have only just met you but I know it's not your fault." She smiled

Safe. She's safe. Shes a safe person. It's okay.

"You should go talk to him. He wouldn't talk to me. Maybe he'll talk to you."

I nodded and got up. She smiled.

I walked to Rece's room and knocked on the door.

Nothing. It was totally silent. I knocked again.

Nothing again. I carefully opened the door.


I looked around to see him sitting in his wheelchair at his desk. Staring at something on it.

I walked closer. There he had multiple pills of some sort lined up in front of him.

"Rece...what are you doing?" There was a shake in my voice, what was he thinking?!

"Jackson...just go away." He said quietly "just leave me alone."

His voice sounded different. He must have already taken some of them.

"N-No" I stuttered "Rece what are you doing? Put those away. You don't need that many."

"Yes. I do."

To be continued >:)

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