Chapter 2

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We reached the house, when we walked inside we were greeted by the scent of cookies.

"Cookiesssss" Flora exclaimed, running into the kitchen

Callie, Pony's older sister, was making cookies. She was pretty much always in the kitchen baking she was really good at it too.

"Yes cookies but you can't have any yet their not done baking." She laughed

"Awwwww" Flora whined

"I'm gonna take a shower" I said "so if anyone needs me for something ask now"

"Yeah take a shower I can smell you from here" Flora joked

"Oh shush" I laughed


Time skip

I had finished my shower and came downstairs. Callie had finished making her cookies and Flora was sitting on the floor eating one.

"Hey Rece, want a cookie?" She asked with a smile

"Sure" I said, walking over into the kitchen

I grabbed a cookie and flopped on the floor.

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me" Rylee, my little sister, said looking out the window to the front yard

"What?" I asked standing up and walking over to her

"Theo's out there beating up Maddi and Jackson" She said grabbing her switchblade

"Oh hell no" I said running outside

Sure enough Theo Sheldon was out there punching Maddi, Jackson was watching terrified.

"What the hell do you think your doing!" I yelled

"Oh well the peppermint bitch was acting like a rabid dog and bit me while the quiet kid didn't say anything and it got on my nerves." He said

"Him being quiet gets on your nerves? Oh boy you've fucked up big time" I said, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and shoving him to the ground

"Oh you don't know who you messed with buddy" he kicked me off of him

I fell back but quickly jumped up.

"Oh really?" I punched him in the face

"Yes really" he grabbed my arm, twisted it flipping me so I was pinned to the ground

I quickly grabbed my switchblade with my other hand and held it up to Theo's neck.

"Fucking dick" I said

"Oh you like playing with knives huh? Alright." He said pulling his switchblade out and holding it near the back of my neck.  "One cut and Boom. Paralyzation."

I stayed silent trying to think of something.

"I see we are at a common ground" he grinned

Suddenly it was like my body had a mind of it's own I slapped him across the face causing him to cut the back of my neck.

I let out a yelp of pain.

"THEO WHAT THE HELL...." it all went black...

Wowie two chapters in a day? Hope you enjoyed! - Your Friendly Neighborhood Dumbass <3

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