Chapter 7 - Flight

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After about an hour, the three of them were still awake. "Hey, do you guys want to prank someone?" Sagittarius asked. "That's a great idea," said Scorpio, grinning evilly. "You guys are going to get us kicked out in mid-air," Virgo said, looking over the seat. "Oh, Virgo, chill. We won't do anything illegal," reassured Sagittarius. "Wait, we're not?" Scorpio asked, disappointed. "See, I don't trust you two," Virgo said skeptically. 

"Well, why don't you do it with us? That way, you know we're not doing something too...illegal," Sagittarius offered. "Ya- no," she said, rolling her eyes. "Chicken," Scorpio muttered. "Oh really? Fine then. I'll do it," Virgo said, glaring at him. "Yay!" Sagittarius exclaimed. "What should we do?" she asked. "Okay, first of all, we shouldn't prank random people, just the other signs. So we don't get in major trouble," Virgo said. "Ughhhhhh," Scorpio groaned, rolling his eyes.

"She's right. We shouldn't prank random people. Who knows what could happen," Sagittarius agreed. "Fine," Scorpio reluctantly agreed. "I have a few ideas," he whispered to them. "Well, those probably won't get us kicked out or arrested, so why not?" Virgo shrugged as Sagittarius smiled, and they quietly got out of their seats. Let's do Libra, Leo, and Cancer first since they're the closest," said Sagittarius. They both nodded.

"And...done!" said Scorpio, crawling out from under the seats. He had removed their shoes, put water in them, and tied their shoelaces together. "Let's go to the other side and do the rest of the signs," said Virgo as they headed to the other side. After Scorpio finished the other 6, they discussed the last thing they would do. "I'm kind of worried about this..." Virgo said as Sagittarius climbed on the seats, grabbing the suitcases from the compartments above.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," Sagittarius said, opening the suitcases. They took out all the other zodiac's clothing and stashed them into the other bags with food and supplies. "Well, we better be quiet; otherwise, we'll get caught," Virgo said, looking around nervously. "We will; stop worrying so much," said Scorpio as they grabbed the clothing and started stashing them into the other suitcases. 

"Okay, that's everything!" Sagittarius said as they put the suitcases back into the compartments above. They all gave each other high fives. "Let's go back to our seats now; our flight lands soon," Virgo said as they headed back to their seats, snickering. 

After about thirty minutes, an announcement instructed everyone to put on their seat belts and start packing their stuff.

-With Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces...-

"That was a nice nap," said Pisces, yawning. "Agreed," said Taurus, packing up her backpack. "Why are my shoes off? I don't remember taking them off..." Gemini trailed off, looking down. "Hey, same!" Aquarius said. "We all have our shoes off!" She said, looking down and in front. "Maybe it was turbulence?" suggested Capricorn. "Maybe- whatever, let's just put them back on- we land in five minutes," he said as everyone put their shoes on.

"Ewww!" Taurus and Aquarius shrieked as people looked their way. "There's something wet in my shoes!" Pisces groaned. "Same!" said Aries, Gemini, and Capricorn, disgusted. "How did this happen?" said Aquarius, shaking her shoes. "Maybe water got spilled into them?" Gemini wondered. "Coincidence..." Aries said. "But that doesn't matter. We're landing in a minute!" he exclaimed as everyone gathered their things.

-With Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius...-

"It looks like the other six signs had water in their shoes too!" Cancer said, gesturing to the other side of the plane. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces were muttering and shaking out their shoes. "It's like we were targeted!" Leo exclaimed, getting up to grab the luggage. Just as she got up, she yelped and immediately tripped back into her seat, nearly falling into the aisle. "Oh my god,- Leo, are you okay?" Virgo asked, covering her mouth to stop her laugh. "Someone tied my shoelaces together!" she yelled.

"First the water, now this?" Libra said, looking down at his shoes. "Wait, my shoelaces are knotted together! What is going on?" Libra said, bending down to untie his shoes. "Same! Something is seriously wrong..." Cancer said, grabbing the luggage from the compartment. Virgo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius were trying their best not to laugh. "Wait- what about you three? Why was nothing wrong with your shoes?" Leo questioned.

"Uhh..." Scorpio and Sagittarius trailed off, looking at each other and then at Virgo to explain. She sighed. "Well... our shoes were tied together too! We- um...noticed them earlier! We didn't know you guys had the same problem..." she trailed off. "What about the water?" Cancer questioned. "Oh...uh, we didn't have water in our shoes; we had them on soooo..." Virgo trailed off, biting her lip. The three stared at Virgo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius suspiciously. "Okay... Let's head out; we'll talk about this later," Libra said as the signs headed out.


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