Chapter 2 | Going Home

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9:34 PM | 10-31

All of the attendees have arrived at the party and you and Bob decided to split up to socialize. You met a few new people and some that you knew beforehand. After almost an hour of talking to people, a guy approached you, he was somewhat attractive and he had a red solo cup in his hand.

"Hey there, what's your name?" He asked, stepping closer to you. You smiled awkwardly "My name's Y/N" you mumbled. You could barely hear your own voice, Buddy Holly by Weezer was blasting through the speakers. You stepped away from him, trying to make it clear you weren't interested.

He didn't get the hint and continued to talk to you. "You know, I've got some beer back at my place, how about you come home with me? We can relax." He said, making aggressive eye contact with you. "No thanks, I'm alright. I was just about to leave actually." You shut him down and began walking towards the door.

He attempted to regain your attention but you tried your best to ignore him. You managed to make it outside and turned to go home, your house was right beside Lila's. You were in your driveway and suddenly the man caught up to you, gripping your shoulder. "Hey, I said come home with me. Can't you learn to be nice to guys?"

You froze, scared of what was about to happen. "I-I said no.." You shuffled away from him. He stared at you with a look of annoyance "I said, you're. coming. with. me." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to what seemed to be his car. You tried to pull away from him and he held your wrist even tighter.

Suddenly, Bob was in front of the guy, he looked like he was about to kill somebody. "They said no, cant'cha get a damn hint." He growled, his eyes narrowing. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it fatass!" He hollered. Bob grabbed him by the shirt collar and held him up to his face. "Ya wanna find out?"

The guy held his hands up, successfully intimidated by your boss. He let you go and walked away, mumbling something under his breath. "Thanks dude..." you sighed, relief washing over you. "Eh, least I coulda done." He smiled warmly at you "Need me to walk you to your door?"

"Yeah, thanks again." You chuckled, trying to process what happened. You both reached the door and Bob gave you a short hug and returned to the party. You sighed and opened the door, the house was dark and you flipped on the light. You made a beeline for the bathroom.

You began to (only if the costume had makeup) wash off the make up on your face, you gazed at your plain face in the mirror, examining it before frowning and turning away. You undressed and got in the shower. You finally were able to wind down, hopefully nothing else happened tonight.

11:02 PM | 10-31

After you finished your nighttime routine you snuggled up in your bed and put in your earbuds. You turned on your favorite song and began to scroll on social media, after about an hour of this you finally drifted off to sleep.

1:03 AM | 11-1

You woke with a start, cold sweat beading from your forehead. You looked at the time on your phone and gave a loud groan, you couldn't keep waking up at 1 am. You crawl out of bed, dragging your feet to the living room. You plopped down on the couch and clicked the TV on.

"Reports of several murders have been sent in, occurring around 11 to 12 in the morning." You cocked your head at this, a small tinge of worry forming in your chest "We advise all citizens to stay inside and lock all doors and windows. Victims have been found mutilated and dismembe-"


You turned off the TV, deciding not to make yourself worried. You reassured yourself that nothing would happen to you. You're just some person working at a shitty diner. You took a deep breath and went to the kitchen, you snagged a small bottle of liquor and sat back on your couch. You began to scroll on your phone again, watching Tik Toks for what seemed like hours.

2:23 AM | 11-1

You looked at the time and huffed, deciding to ignore in and continued with your scrolling. Just then, you got a text from an unknown number. You decided if you should open it or not, and hesitantly you did.

"(color of shirt you're wearing) looks nice on you"                                                                                             2:24

You tensed up and turned off your phone, you looked around and found only pitch black corners. You jumped off the couch and hurried into your bathroom, locking the door. You dialed 911 on your phone. The line rung and rung, nobody answered. You noticed that there was now no service on your phone.

You backed into the corner behind the door and curled into a ball, your heart racing.


I honestly hope he kills me :D

Written in Red | Bob x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now