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chapter 41

"So you're on good terms now" Narcissa asked on their walk through the castle

"I think so" Persephone replied with a smile touching up her makeup

"You think so? The two of you kissed. If you aren't on good terms after that then i'd be worried" the blonde laughed , finishing to curl her hair. Narcissa had settled for a black silk dress for the christmas ball with many silver accessories - including the rather expensive necklace that Lucius had brought her over the summer.

"Yeah , yeah whatever Cissa" the girl smirked slipping into her green dress. It was an off the shoulder , sinched in at the waist and it flowed out at the hips. It was the one Narcissa had gotten her for her birthday and she was glad that it fit her like a glove.

"Seph." the blonde said pausing her movements , her face dropping slowly


"I'm scared for Lucius. He is basically being forced to become a death eater. A-and I just don't want him to turn out like Bella. Insane and heartless." she sniffed

"You'll ruin your makeup Cissa" Persephone said walking over to comfort the girl "We knew it was going to happen at some point , his family puts a lot of pressure on him. Would you stay with him ? If he did become a death eater?" she asked curiously

"I would stay with him , I love him too much. Sad really I suppose" she laughed lightly dabbing away the small tears from her eyes

"I think it's beautiful to love somebody Cissa. It's a truly wonderful thing to have and if you do have it then don't let it go." Persephone spoke softly.

"Have you ever been in love Seph?" Narcissa asked trying to divert the subject.

"No. Not yet" she responded

"You will feel it soon Seph. Now , come on. Time for tears is over. You have a Prewett to impress and a Potter to make jealous" she said clapping her hands and fixing her makeup with a spell.

"I'll focus on impressing the Prewett" Persephone responded "A night without James won't do me any harm" she said confidently

"Independent women. We love to see it. Now you go and make your way to the Gryffindor common room" Narcissa yelled excitedly , eagerly pushing her bestfriend out of their dorm.

Persephone took her time to walk from her common room to the Gryffindor's. The heels playing a part in slowing her down. She didn't need them in the first place : she was already taller than most of the girls in hogwarts. But Narcissa insisted that the black heels with lace going up the calf would be perfect for tonight.

"Password?" the fat lady asked as she approached the painting

"I always forget" she mumbled to herself , thinking back to the last time she used it

"Balderdash" Remus spoke from behind her , allowing her to enter the common room

"Thanks Remus , I can never remember it"

"No problem. You look amazing Seph. The green really does suit you" he complimented , smiling sweetly at the girl

"What a gentlemen Rem. I may have to fight Sirius for a dance with you" she whispered

"Who is fighting me now?" asked Sirius as he came down the stairs "Seph looking good" he then said straightening his tie

"Why thankyou. The both of you look very dashing."

"My moony here is incredibly attractive i'll have to fight the ladies off left , right and center" Sirius said mimicking different karate moves

"And whilst you're doing that i'll be dancing with Remus" Persephone winked

"Hey!" Sirius exclaimed pouting and crossing his arms

"So childish" Remus muttered with a smile on his face. "Lily looks nice too" he then added turning the trio's attention to the ginger who just entered the room , wearing a very similar dress to Persephone's.

Only , Lily's dress was a lighter shade of green , with elegant straps on the shoulder and the bottom of her dress had less of a flow and instead hung tightly to her slim figure.

Persephone could already feel herself becoming self-conscious in her choice of dress. Lily managed to look amazing and whilst Persephone looked good she felt as though the colour itself complimented Lily's red hair more than it complimented Persephone's darker skin. A horrible feeling to experience right before going to the ball but the girl couldn't help it.

"Prongs are you almost done?!" Sirius yelled up to the messy haired boy whilst Remus leant his head closer to Persephone's ear and whispered,

"You look fine Seph. Don't worry"

"I'm coming Padfoot!" James yelled back , running down the stairs in a hurry "Percy!" he smiled noticing the girl as he reached the bottom of the staircase "Woah. You look..." he paused , coming to stand in front of the girl "you look really beautiful" he announced , tucking a loose hair behind her ear

"Thanks James" she whispered , a blush forming on her cheeks.

"I wish I were going to this ball with you" he whispered to her , placing his hands on her hips "Where's your scar gone?" he then asked looking at her collarbone where the large scar used to sit

"I'm using a spell for it. It ruins this look" she admitted shyly

"I think you would look even better" he smirked

"If you say so"

Remus had made his way over to Lily who was watching the two interact. She believed that James was truly in love with Persephone and she slightly regretted not accepting James' countless date offers. But she was glad that he had moved on.

"Seph you look gorgeous" Lily spoke up from where she stood

"As do you Lily. Stunning as always" she replied stepping away from James and embracing the girl in a hug

"Seph! You look great , it's a shame you're going to this ball with the uglier twin" Gideon said as he came into view

"How dare you insult me to my date" Fabian's shocked voice was then heard , walking in besides his brother "You look beautiful Seph"

"Thankyou Fabian. You look great yourself" she returned

"Right then I think we should get going then. We'll see you guys there" the ginger said waving to the rest of the people in the common room before offering Persephone his arm and escorting the two towards the great hall.

"Cheer up James. He won't be dancing with her all night" Gideon said, following after his brother with his date by his side

"Right of course" James muttered to himself before putting on a smile "Let's go m'lady"

𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴  ( james potter x oc) Where stories live. Discover now