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chapter 9

"Persephone that is amazing" Nicholas stated as she told him about her weekend.

Talks in the astronomy tower had become pretty much a daily thing between the two teenagers.

"A skateboard can I see?" he continued

The girl pulled out her pencil so the boy could examine it - once it had turned into a board of course.
"You should decorate it" he suggested

"With what?" the girl asked as he handed the pencil back.

"I have stickers and paints at home. You should visit mine over the christmas holidays!" Nic exclaimed with excitement "Mum loves visitors"

Persephone wished she could have told him yes. But her christmas would be spent in the Greyback residence , attending gatherings she didn't want to be at and spending quality time with her father.

"Sorry Nic , I'm away this christmas. But - I will keep the board bare until the summer and we can do it then I promise" The girl finished , getting up and heading to the library to meet Lily Evans.

"Hey Lils" she greeted walking in and sitting beside her ginger friend.

"Hi Seph" the girl replied.

"Let's get started shall we" Persephone said opening her transfiguration notes up on the table.

"Before we do can I ask you something?"

"Sure , go ahead"

"Do I look like a mudblood to you?"


"I'm not sure how to put it. It's like most of the Slytherins see you as either a person they respect or as an object and if that object isn't green , shiny and labelled pure blood they toss you around."

Persephone did understand where the girl was coming from , the feeling of being ignored and quite literally tossed to the side is damaging , mentally and physically.

"Lily if anyone says anything like that to you , don't be afraid to tell me. I will hex them into the next century" the brown skin smiled placing a hand on the girls shoulders.

"Thanks Seph" Lily smiled back


"Anyhow onto transfiguration"


A month has passed and they are already in December. Persephone and Lily have gotten closer , so have her Nicholas and the marauders.

"It's snowing!" Narcissa screamed waking the girl beside her instantly.

"Is it?" the girl groaned looking outside the window , her eyes half closed.
"Oh it is" she finished eyes slightly wider open.

"Breakfast and then we are going outside" the blonde said grabbing her friends arm and dragging her all the way to the great hall.

The two girls ate their breakfast and joined their friends who were already outside.

A snowball was thrown from Jasper's hand and landed right on Persephone's face.
"Great catch"

The girl wiped away the snow from her eyes and threw one back , which shortly turned into a snowball fight. Jasper , Lucius and Narcissa against Vinnie , Regulus and Persephone.

"Reggie let me join your team"
His brother screamed leaping through the snow.

"We call dibs on James!" Jasper shouted quickly

"Remus is with us" his twin huffed back

"Peter is on our team then , we should restart points back to zero" Jasper explained.

The groups nodded and went to make a game plan.

"Wipe them out"
"Aim for James he has the biggest head"
"Actually Jasper also has a big head"
"Are we wrong Seph?"
"Come guys we have to think tactically"
"Remus in the nicest way shut up"
"Why don't we just charm the snowballs?"
"Now that's what I wanna hear Reggie" Sirius cheered patting his brother on the back , earning him a soft smile from Regulus.

"Ready guys?" the group could hear Jasper yell

"Of course we are" his brother yelled back

"Well then let's go" Narcissa laughed throwing a snowball at her best friend

"Cissa how dare you" Persephone giggled throwing one straight back at her blonde friend , right before around 50 snowballs were fired in their direction

"That's got to be cheating" James huffed

"It's called magic Potter" Persephone said with a smile

"Oh really?" the boy smirked , running towards her - causing Persephone to start running away from the group and closer to the castle.

It was no surprise that James caught up with her , although it was surprising that he picked her up over his shoulder.

"James!" the girl exclaimed laughing "Put my down" she giggled

"Not until you apologise for cheating" he teased bringing her back outside to the group who were secretly watching the two inbetween throwing attacks at one another

"Fine fine"

"Fine what?" he asked beginning to spin around

"James! You'll make me dizzy" Persephone squealed trying to hold onto the boys waist - which was difficult considering she was upside down.

"Say it" he chuckled

"I'm sorry on behalf of my team" she huffed , holding her head as James placed her gently on the ground "Thankyou"


"James stop talking to the enemy" Jasper shouted angrily tugging the boy back over to their snow dome shelter , breaking the moment between the two

It was safe to say that after that Vincent and Sirius were very into the game along with Jasper and James on the other team.

Snow was thrown everywhere.
But everyone was happy.
Especially Regulus.
And Sirius.

for those who read this before i updated it . i've added a little extra to this chapter

𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴  ( james potter x oc) Where stories live. Discover now