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chapter 28

"August 1st seriously. You're like a baby" Sirius pointed out. Persephone's birthday was coming up and she hadn't thought to let anyone know , besides Nicholas and Randy of course.

"I didn't choose my birthday" Persephone said with her hands raised in defence

"I love that you told us the day before" James complained folding his arms

"I knew already actually" Nicholas informed them - walking into the living room with a bowl of grapes

"And you didn't tell me?" James whined facing his brother

"You never asked" Persephone shrugged picking a grape from Nic's bowl and pushing it into her mouth

"Well then , come on Prongs" the black haired boy jumped up patting James on the shoulder and grabbing his leather jacket

"Where are you off to?" the younger boy looked up at him in confusion

"The shops idiot" Sirius shouted behind him "Bye Sephy" he waved , leaving with James and shutting the door behind them

"You live with these people?" the girl chuckled stealing some more grapes from her friend's bowl

"I mean you didn't know that until a few days ago" the boy shrugged a smirk on his lips

"You two don't talk very much in school y'know , how was I supposed to know" she laughed

"I thought it was something everyone knew" the boy played off heading back into the kitchen to grab himself another stash of fruit

"Eating out the house are we Nic" Euphemia giggled as the two entered the room

Over the past few weeks the woman had been lovely to Seph : she had been completely understanding about everything and had made sure she felt utmost comfortable in their house and even though the girl would still address her formally most of the time , she felt as though she was making progress.

"Well at this rate , Seph will be too" Nicholas added referring to the girl who had now taken more of the boys grapes

"Well if you two are hungry I can bake something?" the older women suggested leaning against the kitchen counter

"That would be wonderful" Persephone smiled "I'll help let me just get changed"

"So Nic how has she been?" Euphemia asked putting her apron on. She knew that the girl was fine but she likes to be reassured

"She loves it here Mum." Nicholas smiled "I'm glad she's spending her birthday with us"


"She forget to tell everybody" the boy chuckled to himself "She's an August baby , her birthday is tommorow"

"Oh dear. We should celebrate" Euphemia exclaimed "Will a party do? Or does she prefer a more quiet environment. Perhaps a small gathering? Or-"

"I'll send out invites" Nic interrupted to stop his mother from rambling too much

He ran up the stairs and headed straight to his room before realising he doesn't know where half of Seph's friends even live.

"Nic?" Persephone called out knocking on his door

"It's open"

"Are you alright? I heard you running up the stairs" she asked looking at him to make sure he wasn't injured or anything

"I'm all good. Do you know where Randy is?" the boy had figured that the house elf will know

"He's outside playing quidditch with Fleamont"

"Perfect" the boy smiled

"So you're not baking?"

"I'll skip this one. Mum is down there waiting for you though , I think she's planning on baking another cake"

Whilst Persephone and Euphemia were baking , two of the four marauders had gone on a shopping spree and Nicholas had starting writing invitations for a party on very short notice.

"What do you mean 'I don't know'" Sirius scoffed looking at James

"I have no clue what to get her Sirius" the boy huffed walking around diagonal alley. The two had walked into various shops and Sirius had found his gifts in seconds.
"I want it to be a good gift" he stressed

"Relax Prongs" Sirius stopped him placing a hand on his shoulder "What does she like?"

"Quidditch" the boy deadpanned

"And..?" he asked looking at the boy expectantly, but recieving nothing in return "Merlin you're hopeless" Sirius said shaking his head
"Get her something nice and buy a photo frame i'll give you a photo to put in it later" he sighed walking into a clothes shop

"Something nice. Right"

a short chapter . hopefully i'll be making the next ones longer and more interesting for you guys.

𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴  ( james potter x oc) Where stories live. Discover now