a date?

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chapter 39

"Come on Prongs. Stop being a chicken" Sirius groaned pushing the boy off his bed

"I seriously don't know how to ask her-" the boy stressed,  hands in the air

"I'm Sir-"

"Now is not the time Padfoot" James huffed defeatedly landing back on Sirius' bed

The Christmas ball had slowly but surely arrived. It was a reward of some kind to the 6 and 7th years for their hard work. It was mandatory to have a date - or show up with one anyway and James had been stressing since halloween as to how he was going to ask Persephone to attend with him. He only had a few weeks left to do so.

"Just speak to her" Remus suggested , peaking his head out from his book

"Moony he's whipped he won't be able to get a word out" Sirius joked earning him a slap from James

"O-offer her some flowers" Peter smiled attempting to help

"That's cute idea" Remus added , turning the page

"What if she doesn't like them?" James mumbled , his head still resting in Sirius' pillow

"Ask Narcissa what she likes for Merlin's sake" Sirius said unamused

"She'll make fun of me"

"We are making fun of you" the dark haired boy replied " Prongs , we all know she will say yes so just ask her"

"Pete do you have a date to the Christmas ball?" James asked the boy trying to avert the attention away from him

"I-i do yeah" he mumbled

"Really?!" Sirius exclaimed "Pay up Potter"

"That's two bets i've lost this month" the speckled boy sighed

"How did you lose the first one?" Remus inquired , turning another page in his book

"Me and Nic made a bet to see who would go on a date first. Nic is dating Lucy now so he won that one" the boy shrugged

"I didn't know they were together" Remus replied

"She painted something for him and Nic got so excited , he let it spill that he liked her. She thought it was cute and here we are" James explained walking over to his trunk to find his snitch

"Can you paint James?" Sirius asked with a smirk

"I'm not asking her through a painting" he quickly responded

"I would ask her soon, there's rumours that Fabian will ask her" Remus added


"Yup" he replied popping the p sound

"Brilliant" James sighed , throwing the golden object in the air and catching it "Who are you taking anyway Peter?"

"Georgia Reed" the small boy replied

"The ravenclaw?" Sirius asked , highly amused

"Y-yeah" the blonde spoke intimidated by Sirius'sudden switch in attitude

"She's a funny character" he informed , smiling to himself remembering his last encounter with the girl

"I'm sure she's hilarious" Remus spoke sending a small glare at the black haired boy.

Remus was aware of Sirius' reputation of being a player and kissing half of hogwarts , but whenever Sirius brought it up he couldn't help the jealousy that overtook him. Before dating the boy , he couldn't stand the way he treated girls. Leaving them in the dorm for Remus to deal with.

"Don't worry Moony. I only have eyes for you now" he said cutting off Remus' thoughts - walking over to the tall boy and attaching himself to his waist

"Get off Sirius" he mumbled

"No" the boy smiled before hearing a knock at the door to their dorm. "Hello?" he questioned

"Is James in there?" they heard the voice of Lily Evans.

"Evans?" Sirius whispered turning to James in shock

"Not a clue" the boy whispered back "Lily , you can come in" he then announced

As the ginger girl opened the door they could see her hand , containing a letter , shaking. It was shaking extremely fast the boys assumed it was out of fear.

"Are you alright Lily?" Remus asked from under Sirius

"James do you have a date to the ball?" she rushed out looking down at the piece of parchment she was given

"No I don't yet Lily but-"

"Perfect , would you be able to go with me?" she asked hurriedly

"What is this about Lily? You told me you didn't like James anymore." Remus spoke furrowing his brows in confusion

The girl took a deep breath before speaking "Severus asked me to go to the ball with him , he said if I don't say yes he'll hex Seph and that the only person-"

"He'll hex Percy?" James repeated tightly

"The only person he said he'd let me go with was James because there's no way it would happen." she sighed pausing "I know it's extremely selfish of me but I would hate to see Seph get hurt because of me" she sniffed bringing her hands up to her face

"I'll hex him for you-"

"Please don't James I don't want to make a big thing of it"

"I'll go with you but make sure you tell Seph about the whole thing , okay?" he sighed sending the girl a reassuring look

"Of course , thankyou so much James" she sighed , a massive weight being lifted off her shoulders "I'm wearing green by the way" she smiled slightly leaving the dorm room

"Looks like we all have a date now huh" Sirius stated

"Hooray" James sighed sarcastically , laying himself on his bed before yelling into his pillow.

small filler until i think of something to write.

hope you are enjoying so far we've hit double digits in reads so i'm truly grateful for that. past 10k is amazing.

keep voting , commenting and feel free to give me any suggestions for upcoming chapters.

all love from the writer <3

𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴  ( james potter x oc) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant