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chapter 34

Hogsmeade trips had to be Persephone's favourite thing about hogwarts. The simplicity of going shopping. Today's hogsmeade trip she was spending with Nicholas Potter , brother of the very man she was deciding to ignore again.

She had stopped ignoring him until he - all in the same week - broke Edward's finger , turned her hair red , sprayed glitter in her bag , spilt water down her homework and asked Lily Evans out , to which she said no. So Persephone had decided that silent treatment was the best option.

"We never got to paint that skateboard of yours Seph" Nicholas chuckled into his gloves , as this year's September had decided to be cold.

"Oh yeah we never did. We should do it today - if we can get supplies" the girl responded giddily straightening her green slytherin beanie

"There's a small shop by Zonkos that should do some , my aunt actually knows the owner so she should be able to get us a discount" Nicholas stated proudly


"You know , my mum has been pestering me about you already" the boy added sneakily

"Really ?" the brunnette responded surprised that she had made an impression on the boy's family so quickly

"You really made quite the impression in the Potter household." he said as if he was reading her thoughts "She was wondering if you wanted to come back over christmas ?" he asked slowing down his walking pace to match the girl besides him

"I don't think your brother would want me there Nico" she replied

"Believe me he probably wants you there more than I do , which is saying something" he answered as the pair reached the art shop "We've got ages , think about it" he said as he entered "Claire!"

"Nicholas? Is that you?" the elderly woman at the till asked "I didn't take you for the artistic type , finally embracing your inner artist I see"

"No my drawing skills still haven't gotten any better Claire actually-"

"Is this the lady Nicholas?" Claire brightened up , turning her attention to Persphone who had just come through the shop doors

"No no. She more interested in Ja-"

"Nice to meet you i'm Persephone" the girl cut off shaking hands with the older women with a nervous smile

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady!" the women exclaimed "Tell me are you the artist?"

"I consider it a hobby"

"Brilliant. Well what do you need?"

"Do you have any paints?"


"Claire is lovely, I don't know what you mean Nico" Seph said rolling her eyes at the boy as they sat in the Gryffindor common room painting patches on her skateboard

"She talks too much" the boy complained

"You talk a lot" the girl retorted

"James talks more"

"You have a fair point-"

"And then she talks more then James , honestly christmas dinners are a nightmare" he laughed softly

"I can imagine" the girl chuckled , focusing her attention back on the trees she was trying to paint

"Persephone" she heard the voice of the boyfriend behind her "What are you doing with pity Potter? Is this where you've been all day?" he asked his tone of voice wary and harsh

"We are painting my skateboard" Seph stated standing up to match his height

"Ah i see." he said looking past her and into Nicholas' eyes " Well since you're here in the common room we can spend some time together. Off you go Potter" he finished shooing the boy away with his hand

"There was no need for that Edward" Persephone frowned turning to look at Nicholas , but she was cut off as Edward urgently pulled her in for a kiss.

"Oh erm i'll just be going" she heard the voice of James now climbing the stairs

"They are bloody everywhere" Edward mumbled under his breath , pulling out of the kiss and guiding the two towards the sofa. "I've been meaning to ask could you stay away from James? With me making the quidditch team this year , i'd like to focus. I'd rather not have my captain flirting with my girlfriend"

"Flirting?" the girl laughed with raised eyebrows thinking back to their conversation the other week. However Edward's face was anything but amused

"I'm serious" he stated

"You always are" Persephone sighed "Alright. I won't talk to him"

"Great. Our first match is next week i'll just go and get my jumper for you to wear at the game" he rushed practically bounding up the staircase

"No talking to Prongs huh?" Sirius hummed plopping himself down besides the girl

"How much of that were you here for?"

"Basically the whole thing. Cracked me up when Junnon pulled you in for that kiss. He looks like an awful kisser , no?" he smirked

"I've kissed better" the girl replied honestly

"You really can't get much worse if i'm honest" Sirius added lightly punching her shoulder

"How is Remus?" she asked concerned for the boy as the full moon was just around the corner

"He's doing better thanks to the little viles you are giving him" the black haired boy responded

"Is there not anything else I can do?"

"He wouldn't allow you do anything else , Seph. That man is too selfless." he sighed

"Good thing your self-absorbed you balance each other out" Persephone chuckled leaning into Sirius

"Very funny Seph."

"I found it. It was right at the bottom of my trunk so - Oh. Black" Edward paused stopping infront of the two

"Junnon. Always a pleasure , i'll be on my way" the taller boy said standing up and shaking hands with the blonde before making his way upstairs

"I don't want you talking to Black either"

"Of course you don't"

everyone says this ik but i am so grateful for the reads and votes. feel free to comment aswell.

7.5k reads absolutely insane .

sorry the updates are slow i'll do my best to update over the holidays <33

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