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chapter 6

Serving a detention with the marauders is not really how Persephone pictured her Friday afternoon .

Since it is October it basically means that it's marauder mania - a month full of pranks. Its been rumoured that every year they compete against each other to see who can cause the most mayhem and rumour says that the winner is usually Remus but James comes a close second.

"So Miss Greyback what brings you to detention?" Professor Mcgonagall asks leaning over her desk and pulling her glasses down slightly. The girl folded her arms and turned to face James Potter.

"What?! None of this was my fault"

"Oh yeah , really"

"Alright , then why are the rest of you here?" Mcgonagal spoke again , addressing the three other marauders. The three shrugged and pointed at James , who now had his mouth open like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"You three are dismissed"

"Oh come on Minnie , I have qu-"

"No , Mr Potter you can stay here with Miss Greyback. I will be back to check on you shortly" with that the women got up and locked the door of the classroom.

"Hey Persephone. Ahah what's up" Again , whilst James wouldn't admit it out loud the girl made him quite nervous.

"Potter let's say that I - y'know hypothetically- attempted to charm you right. But that charm contained something you were allergic to. How would you react?"

"You are allergic to pumpkins?!"

"Yeah s-"

"You've never had pumpkin juice then"

"No Potter I hav-"

"That is so crazy I mean-"

"Alright I get i-"

"Pumpkin pie is too good but I like a-"


The two stopped to look at each other and took their time to acknowledge one another - as this is technically only their third encounter and there's a lot of things you miss when you've only looked at someone briefly.

Persephone missed the James' piercings in each ear - she didn't think James wore jewellery. She missed the way that his hair is styled to look messy but is actually slicked in places with product. She took a step closer. She missed the colour of his eyes , Hazel , that colour definitely reminds you of James.

James missed the four freckles that sat on her left cheek and the six that sat on her right. He missed the golden crescent moon necklace she always wears , and along with that he missed the top of a very large scar sitting on her neck. Out of curiosity he took a step closer.

The two were now about an arms length away from one another but that wouldn't satisfy James' urge to know about the scar. He took a step closer. Now the two were a hands reach away at most. James then put a hand on her cheek and tilted her head to the side.

Persephone knew he was looking at her scar. She hated it. It was a constant reminder of her home life , of Harrison.

Every hit , bruise and scar she has been given before has healed but not this one. Not the claw mark that goes from her neck to chest , for some reason it will not heal. She has a thought as to why but she doesn't want to believe it.

She's aware that the boy's hand is reaching her cheek and tilting her head and she's letting him.

James now brought the other hand up to trace the scar that ran along her neck. He was so enticed by it , he thought it made her seem even more badass , he was slightly concerned however since whatever had caused it seemed rather powerful as the scar looked painful.

Once he finished tracing it , he kissed the spot lightly - a kiss that surprised both teenagers .

James took a step back and turned red and Persephone just placed her hand on the spot James had kissed. Both looked away.

"Sorry about that , your scar is ... nice" James mumbled awkwardly. The girl looked at him in confusion. It isn't the first feature that boys her age find attractive if anything it's her 'only flaw'.

"Thanks , sorry for turning you into an anteater earlier" Persephone replied scratching the back of her head awkwardly. After James had attempted to coat the first person he saw in pumpkin goo (which happened to be Persephone) she had turned him into an anteater and refused to change him back "It was rather funny tho"

"Yeah , I can agree with you there." the boy smiled
"Did you know Sirius is having a party next week for his birthday?"


"Would you like to come?"

"Shouldn't Sirius be inviting me ?"

"He's invited everyone - well other than the Slytherins but your group seems fine , tell them to come too"

" I'll think about it"

"You'll get to dance with me?"

The girl chuckled before replying "Maybe I will put that on my list of reasons not to go"

"Very funny Seph"


"So are you going to Sirius' party then"

"Seph I was invited but I don't party"

"Come on Nico I bet your such a ladies man , girls will be falling at your feet."

"I would be falling at theirs . I can't dance"

"Let's practice then"

"There's no mus-" The curly haired girl picked up the largest rock she could find and transfigured it into a record player. Transfiguration was her strong subject.  "Seriously Seph"

"Come on Nico" The player was now playing Dancing Queen and Persephone's hands had taken Nic's spinning him round the astronomy tower.

"We look like idiots" The boy said a hearty laugh erupting from his chest.

"We are idiots" she responded with , having to shout over the loud music.  She then started to tango to Stayin Alive and surprisingly getting Nicholas to join her.
"Yes Nic!"

James had been wondering around the castle with the map that night and wasn't surprised to find his brother in the tower but he was surprised to see his brother's name next to Persephone's . Once James heard the music coming from the tower his curiosity only grew , and when he saw the two dancing his heart melted slightly.

Nicholas Potter was not the social type and James knew that he had little friends. So watching him completely letting go and dancing in an open area made a huge proud grin spread across his face. His brother was happy. Very happy.

Persephone Greyback wasn't shy but she was mysterious. Most of the time a joyous persona was put up but you could tell there are hidden moments to her. Something about her being happy also made James feel content.

Deciding not to watch them anymore he finished his late night walk early , returning to the dorms with a small smile stuck to his face.

"You look happy Prongs" Sirius noted as Remus sat up beside him.

"Nicholas has made a friend"

𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴  ( james potter x oc) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن