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"I am Chang wooshik, and this is my wife and daughter, Chang Yeo woon and Miri. They've been missing for the last three days, and I really want to talk about it to you." You frowned, "I mean. You should just complain—" ''can we talk alone somewhere?" You licked your lips nervously, "s-sure, this way."

"I figured out you're the daughter of Mr Kim ever since you visited your shop." You nod your head, "about your wife and daughter, why don't you complain to the police? They'll find them I'm sure." You said as he sighed. "I did. It's been four days and they're not Doing anything. My wife went to take our daughter from the school and since then she's not been home. I'm really scared."

He concealed his tears as your heart felt heavy. "But I found something ms.Kim." He fumbled inside his bag and placed an envelope on the table. "Since the police aren't doing anything, I went myself to investigate Miri's school. They said they both went and never showed up again. I went everywhere and inquired about them but nobody knew until I found this."

He licked his lips nervously, "These are the photographs of my daughter's scarf. I found it behind a dustbin." He placed the photos of it as you frowned, "I asked around the area and found out through social media that my daughter and my wife were kidnapped. This envelope also has footage of it. It was around seven in the evening. You can check it if you want."

You look through the photographs cautiously. "And what I found was shocking. Your tenant was seen within those people who did the kidnapping. It might be that he's all behind this." You took a deep breath, "that's why the police are not investigating properly." You said as he nodded while gulping the lump in his throat.

"I've heard that you're still fighting the case against Hwang foods applied by your father. I hope you will also find my d-daughter and wife. I would forever be grateful" he bowed on the table as you made him stand up. "I-it's fine. I will try my best to find your family. Please don't cry."

He wiped his tears. "I can also come to the court if you want. I will do everything to remove Hwang foods from our nation. I'm with you." You lightly smile and bow. "Thank you, here's my number. If ever anything happens, call me. And please stay strong. I'm sure your family will be found."

He nods his head while wiping his tears. He left the law firm and you sighed. Tapping your heel, you put the camera footage on your computer and go through it. The details of the footage were written on the envelope as you kept going through it to find your tenant.

Finally, in a black mask, he was there with some awfully familiar figures. You went through it again and realised they were the Same People who were following you. Your bones froze as you went through it again. You weren't wrong, they were the exact people who were following you that day.

You ruffled your hair and went through the photographs of the scarf laying on the same place. You went through the footage again, but you couldn't find them doing anything to the girl. The footage was cut in between. "Goddamn!" You hissed and licked your lips.

Now you don't want to stop anytime soon. Goosebumps arose in you thinking of what could've happened if Jungkook didn't come that day. Of what the small seven year old and her mother might be going through right now. What that girl you saw getting kidnapped must be going through right now, your blood runs cold thinking all that.

You clicked your pen trying to muster up something, you took your phone and ran outside of the law firm to your car. You fastened yourself and drove to your house. Your hair flared on how fast you were driving, you stopped your car in front of your house and opened it quickly to run to the second floor throwing your bag and heels somewhere.

You open the documents from the drawers and shuffle through them, trying to find a number. You hiss and grunt. Your hands shook slightly going through every document of your father. When you finally found it at the very last corner of a page. Your fingers tap at the number as you take your phone and dial it.

Love, Attorney Kim Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora