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You loudly sip your milkshake and go through the cctv. “Hah! Here he is!” You slap the table and script it down in the notepad right beside you. “Thanks for this. Also, please really keep it safe since it's important evidence.” 

You said and took another look before returning the cd of the CCTV footage to the officer. He nodded and placed it safely to its cover. “No worries. You can call me if you need anything” he bows as you bow too in answer. You sit on your desk while folding your legs as everyone stands up and starts bowing. 

You frowned when Jungkook passed by you like a wind. You blinked rapidly. “Mr.jeon is finally back after having a small break.” One of your colleagues giggled as you scoffed and turned to your desktop while sipping your coffee from time to time. You see some people go inside and even his own secretary bringing him coffees and staying a little more than needed. 

“Why would someone stay that long for a coffee?” You murmured and finally you couldn’t take it as you walked to his cabin and knocked twice before you heard him allowing you inside. As soon as you open the door, his secretary bows and fixes her files and coat. 

You bite the straw of your drink as you slowly walk inside. “What happened” He asked without looking up from The usual files while fixing his glasses. Again, he reminds you of someone. You pushed that thought aside and talked to him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left the papers like this but—“

“I’m asking if something is wrong.” You huffed, “I received the evidence against the culprit and I wish to apply for a case against Hwang industries, attorney,jeon.” He nods, “okay.” He still didn’t look up. And it does not sit well with you. “H-hey, are you mad?” You asked as he shrugged. 

“For what? That a person betrayed me or my wife just divorced me this morning?” He finally looks up and you wish he wouldn’t have. It’s like someone pricked your heart as you bite your lips harshly and looked down at your shoes while clutching your drink with one hand. 

“I’m really sorry, Jungkook. Really. I feel really bad but I was feeling like a burden on you too. It wasn’t sitting well with me, I was never to rely on someone.” He stands up and walks in front of you. “I didn’t understand a shit you said, kim y/n.” His words were harsh but his voice wasn’t. 

It was almost like he wanted to act harsh but his throat gave up. “I’m saying that you don’t have to hold back because of me. You didn’t wish to be tied In—“ ''y/n!” A blood curdling scream blasts through his law firm followed by barks of a dog. Jimin rans with his coat and hair flaring in the air while he clutched onto his portfolio like his dear life is based on them. 

He crashes onto you which led to your drink splattered on Jungkook's face. You screamed even more when you saw a doberman running towards you while barking. Jimin slips on the floor because of the spilled drink as he fastens himself onto the table as you cry like a pup muttering cursings. 

“Y/n y/n! On the table!” You climb up as jimin pulls you beside him causing your heel to flee right onto the dog’s face. He grits his teeth and starts barking even louder while you and Jimin shudders. “Get out, get out!” “Why are you scaring him? Just lovingly shoo him away!”

You whines while the whole firm watches it more interestingly than they ever saw a crime scene in their entire careers. You, Jimin and the Dog both argue with each other non stop which leads to Jungkook yelling in frustration while the drink still drops from his face to neck drip by drip. 

“Bahm!” His growl Made bam stop barking and sit down while lurking his tongue out while you shut up and stare at him. “Bam?” Jimin whispers as you look at him, “ I only know make-up cleansing balm.” He frowns and squints his eyes on you, “you were his wife—“ “fucking shut up!” 

Love, Attorney Kim Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora