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Haesoo had had enough.

"You know what you are ? You're mean and pig-headed and stubborn and intolerant — and that's not all." She yelled at him.

Beomgyu foled his arms listening to her quietly with his thundered face.

"You think you're the boss huh ? Well, I've got news for you — you're not the boss. Who do you think you are anyway ? And how could I ever have thought I cared and loved You ?" She cried while yelling.
After she spoke, Beomgyu was slapped on the face real hard.

"Well, it's a good thing I came to my senses when I did. Goodbye. Mr. Choi." She turned her back and walked away.

And Beomgyu might've regretted saying whatever she said. But that, he do not want to admit.

"You've really blown it this time dude." Taehyun laughed.
Beomgyu had told the boys about what happened.

"You know you've really got it wrong about her. If she was doing all this just to get a model's contract why hasn't she taken up any of the offers ?" Soobin said.

"Beomgyu, you were wrong okay. I knew she was pushed into being the regatta queen because the real one has measles." Yeonjun told him.

"She didn't want to, but you know how her mother goes on. She couldn't wait to get that crown off afterwards. Honest."

Beomgyu kept thinking.

"Well, I've been wrong. But you should have told me sooner, Yeonjun. If you knew all along."

"I'm sorry. I thought she was going to tell you."

"She should've."

"But what chance did you give her ? You've got the quickest temper around. Come on, Beomgyu, call her and apologise." Said Soobin.

But Haesoo did not pick up any of his calls. Beomgyu went to Haewon's place and even searched for her. But she wasn't there.

"She's taken that silly green car and went off to somewhere I don't even know. She's very mad, Beomgyu." Haewon told him.

"And I'm also very sorry for what had happened. It's my fault."

"You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that." Beomgyu smiled warmly and bid goodbye.

He was thoughtful as he drove around the city looking for her.

"She's always liked the rooftop. Maybe she went to the hillside to lie up there for a while to get away from everyone — including...me."

Meanwhile, Haesoo was finding that her troubles weren't over yet.

"What a place for the engine to die on me — right at the mouth of a tunnel, and with miles more to go."

Just then.

"Haesoo !!!! Are you alright ?"

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