What a voice

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We were in Vance's room, he lent me a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt. It was comfy but I was looking at newspapers that were randomly under his bed from over the years as the boys play card games and listened to music on the radio.

"Crazy tourist runs into child park naked" I say out loud. "The news here freaking sucks, I wanna know if someone died or something." I say as I lay down on Vance's bed.

"Colorado is boring place, you gotta get used to it" Bill says. I sigh as they play their dumb little card game. "What time is it?" Vance asked. "Uhh 2am, why?" I asked.


I now know why.

We are at a battle of the bands competition in someone's basement, which is sketchy but whatever.

I was in a crowd of 100 people so of course I got lost while vibing to the music. The next song  played was very slow and romantic. The very opposite of the song earlier.

"Can I have this dance" I hear from behind me as someone taps my shoulder. I turn and see Bruce with Finney and Griff. I laugh "what are you guys doing here?"

"Robin said we were gonna be meet down here and then go to Bruce's place" Finn explained. "Oh, why Bruce's?" "My parents are out of town and I bought the shining and cannibal holocaust."  "He also said we could bake a cake!" Griff said happily.

"Sweet, when do we go?" "Right after Donnas group sings" Finn says love struck as the song ends and Donna comes on.

Cool, Donna has a band

"What are they gonna sing?" I asked anyone who knew. "No clue, she said it was a surprise for a special someone" Griff says winking a pointing to Finn.

I giggled of course it's a love song for Finney. They would be the cutest couple.


The song has ended and I think Finn is in tears. Donna and her group get off the stage and walks towards us. "I didn't know you could sing" I say with a smile, her voice is truly beautiful. "And Syd with drums and Ali with Guitar is awesome" i complimented.

"Donna the song was beautiful" Finn compliments specifically speaking to her with a blush on his face. I giggle "let's give them some space" I say as I pull Ali and Syd while Griff and Bruce follow me.

"Cant believe Finn is gonna get a girl before me" Bruce says shocked. I pat his back "you'll find your girl soon" I say winking at Ali, making her blush. "Yeah" he says quietly while staring at me with a small smile.

I never really took a good look at Bruce until right now. He has dark brown eyes and shiny black hair. He had perfect skin which I'm super jealous about.

"Bruce I'm jealous of you" I admit looking away from his face. "You have nice features and it's super annoying" I say walking away to find Bill and Vance.


This sucks ass and I'm sorry but I haven't uploaded in awhile and I got bored so yeah.... Hope those who still have this in their libraries enjoy this. Also I finish school in three weeks, WOOHOO, I'm so happy abt that but I have a c in bio so I gotta raise that before the school year ends. But that's all I gotta say, sorry for this mess but what can I say 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


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