Meeting new people

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"Hey uhh, do you think I can sit with you during lunch? Kinda don't wanna eat alone" I ask, grabbing my backpack.

"Oh sure, but warning might see a familiar face" he explains. "Ooh sounds exciting, so happy to see the man that wanted to beat me to a pulp" sarcasm laced my voice as I smiled. "Don't worry about it, he's not as snappy when he's eating" he smiles as we walk out of class.

"Well uh, I'll see you later" I wave and look at my schedule to see I have math next. I walk around and the late bell rings... todays gonna be long.

I walk back forth the hall looking for my class until I see a door with Bildes words "W31C0M3 T0 MA7H" in bright colors

Well at least it stands out.

I knocked until I hear a come in from a bubbly voice. I walk in to see a young woman with blonde wavy hair.


"You must be Y/N, the new student. And you've already made quite the impression on a few of my students, welcome to our class! You can take a seat right next to Finney" she sounds excited, it's weird, no one is this happy ate 10am.

Instead of making the kid stand I had to look at the tape with everyone's name on it. I sat down when I saw Finney spelt in bold letter. I look at the boy, putting the name to face, he had wavy brown hair and brown eyes. He was kinda cute.

He glanced at me then looked right back at the teacher when he noticed I was staring.

It was awkward

But then again when a new kid comes not everyone is gonna randomly talk to them.

Wonder when lunch is? I grab my schedule. Lunch is at 12:15 and it's only 10:12. I sigh and lay my head down.


"Hey uhm class is ending. You should get up before you're late" I felt myself being shook by the shoulders. I yawn as I get up. I stretch "only one period before a lunch" I was kinda happy, especially since I get to meet a few new people.

"Mhmm thanks Finn" i say getting up and grabbing my bag and schedule, looking for my next class.


The last class went by smoothly and it was now time for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and look for the blonde kid.

"Y/N over here!" I turn around to see Griff in the very back of the cafeteria. The table had 6 kids sitting Griff, Finney, Blondey, a kid with shoulder length black hair, a kid with short black hair and another blonde kid.

I walk over catching peoples attention. "Hey Griff!" I wave as I see Blondey get up. Before I could process what he was gonna do, HE FUCKING TACKLES ME.

"AHH GRIFF GET YOUR FUCKING DOG" I grab his fist and move them away from my face as I lay in the gross stick cafeteria floor with this pinball loser is on me.

The boys with black hair and Finney pull Blondey back as was pulled up by Griff and another blonde guy "are you okay?" There was now a crowd in the cafeteria... where are the teachers?

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID HE WAS MORE TAMED WHEN EATING" I yell at Griff, not out of anger but shocked since I didn't expect to get tackled on my first day of school.

"He forgot his lunch" the blonde that I didn't know explained. "CALM DOWN MAN, SHES NOT WORTH IT" I hear as they try to calm Blondey down.

"Holy shit Y/N?" I see Atlas coming out of the crowd. He looked shocked, surprised but then he laughed.


wow... my brother isn't even defending me... this cave man is being held back and I'm on my foot way to heaven and my dear older brother is laughing.

I then see everyone looking at him. The three blondes, the black haired guy, Finney, the longer haired black haired guy and the whole cafeteria... looking at my donkey sounding brothers laugh.


A/N - I have sadly started school 🥲🥲 first week was good but now we actually have to learn stuff

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