Coke, Pepsi and orange soda

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"Y/N SOMEONE IS ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!!!" My dad screams from the kitchen. I get off the couch and walk to where he is and grab the phone
"Who is it?"
"It's Robin, we wanna hangout, you in?" 
"Where is that?"
"284 rainbow road"
"Alright see ya soon"

"Who was it?" My dad asked. "Just the guys, we are going to Vance's house" I explain. "Not without me knowing his parents, how do I know this young man isnt gonna kidnap you?" He says in a serious tone. "Because he lives on rainbow road so if I do you will know where to find me, okay love you bye" I say since I was already dressed since I had to go to Walmart with my mom after school.

I leave and walk to Vance's house, never been there before.... Wonder what his room is like?



I wait for a minute before the door opens and I see a blonde middle aged lady. "Uhm, does Vance live here?"

"Oh yes, I didn't know my sweeties had a girlfriend" she thinks out loud. "We aren't dating, just friends. I moved in a few weeks ago, nice to meet you Miss...." "Just call me Ella" she says letting me into the one story house. "Turn to the left and the first door is his room, it has a sign that says to not come in but don't listen to it" she points down and hall and I nod "thank you."

I walk down the hall and go into his room, "woah" I say looking around his room, it was pretty cool, he had a drum set, desk, radio, posters and surprisingly a lot of broken hairbrushes. "Don't you knock?" Billy says, I then focus on them, they were playing Uno while the radio played 'isn't she lovely' by Stevie Wonder with Vance and Robin having their hair up and Billy's hair was very messy.

They looked cute.

But I expected them to listen to rock music

"Took you long enough" Billy says turning off the radio and they all get up. "Where are we going?" I ask as they pass me and I trail behind them. "Out" was all he said as we exited Vance's room.

I wave bye to his mom and so do the boys before grabbing before dragging me out of the home.


We went to the oh so awesome grab n' go.

"Y'all dragged me out here.... Really?" I asked as we went into different aisles. "Shut up and pick something" Vance grumbles walking to his beloved pinball game.

How does one find joy in a game like that?

I walk into the same isle Robin is in and notice his hand had a bloody dirty bandage. "What's up with your hand?" I asked grabbing a candy bar from the bottoms shelf. "The usual Moose beating" he says leaning on the shelves.

"If I'm being honest, you should start ignoring him. Your knuckles need a break, they can only heal themselves for so long" I say getting up with a yummy Twix bar. Robin didn't reply and just stared at me...


I then snapped at him so he would come back to earth. "Did you hear anything I said?" I huffed "yeah yeah I'll try not to fight Moose" he says with a smile. "Good" I say walking into the fridges.

I look around the area and find Billy looking at beer cans. "Underage drinking doesn't sound that fun if you ask me" I say walking toward him. "Drug on the other hand" I say shrugging "no way, drinking sounds way better and less illegal" he says chuckling.

"Underage drinking is still illegal" I defend. "I know that dummy, I'm looking at the root beer next to the beer cans" he says... oh. "Root Beer sucks" he then looked at me in total shock

"You did NOT just say that" he said loudly. "I'm more of a orange soda girl" I shrug and he gagged. "That's disgusting y/n, just drink orange juice then" "now that's not even close to being the same" I point at him.

"What are you two idiots yelling about?" Vance asked. "Y/N doesn't like root beer"

... "Y/N that's disgraceful, who doesn't like root beer?"

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to agree on y/n for this one, root beer taste like shit" Robin says joining us out of no where. "Vance.... I took you more for a Pepsi guy not gonna lie" I said.

"YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT-" he yelled in actually shock. "Damn man... not even a coke, a Pepsi" Billy says with a smirk toward Vance.

"I'm not paying for you shit anymore" Vance says grumpily walking away. "WAIT NO VANCE IM SORRY" I say running towards him. "Forgive me Vance, I didn't mean it, you're a coke in my eyes" I say hugging him "get your greasy arms off me, you can't take back what you said" he sounded so hurt by being called Pepsi that I don't even know if it's a joke or not-


A/N I don't even know what this is, I was just bored but hey happy Halloween. And I'm sorry if you like root beer.

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