Donna my love

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"DONNA I PROMISE IM NOT CONFESSING MY LOVE FOR YOU, THIS IS FOR FINNEY" I scream as Donna stares at me strangely with her parents behind her.

I press play on my boom box blasting 'Eddie my love' by the Chordettes. "DONNA MY LOVE, I LOVE YOU SO" I scream as Finn is shying away and trying to hide behind a street light, Griff, Bill and Vance are laughing there asses off and Robin is trying to make Finn feel better while chuckling and Bruce stayed at my place to hang out with my mom.

"HOW I'VE WANTED FOR YOU, YOU'LL NE-" I was cut off but getting tackled from behind. "what the fuck do you think your doing to my sister" I hear him say through the music blasting.

Donna has a older brother.

I turn around and see he had a bomber jacket.

of course he's a athlete, my luck never runs out, huh?

With my one quick glance I saw about three other jocks, two near Griff, Bill and Vance and the other one with Robin and Finney.

If only I were with Bruce. "GETS OFF ME, MAN ITS JUST A JOKE" I scream trying to get him off my back before he breaks it (lol). "I don't fuck with fags" he says pulling my hair back then shoving it into the dirt while his beefy self sat on me like a couch.

"GET OFF HER JACK ASS" Robin yells pushing him off me. Griff runs to me and turns me on my back. "Are you okay? Your nose is bleeding" he tells me. "Never better" I say as Finney helps me up. I look at the other three jocks that the boys had to deal with while I was being sat on and they didn't looks so well, they all seem so weak but they did some real damage.

I then look over to see Vance, Robin and Bill beating the shit out of Donnas brother.

I then hear sirens..... yeah Finney definitely isn't getting that date with Donna now.

"GUYS WE GOTTA GO" I scream trying to pull them back with the help of Finney and Griff.

"DONT FUCK WITH US" Vance screams at him before we run off.

First time being in a group fight... don't recommend. Especially if you don't know how to fight a 200 pound jock.


We didn't run far, just to the grab n' go. "Are you alright? Your nose is all fucked" Robin says passing me napkins. I grab the napkins and clean up the nose bleed. "Just dandy."

"Sorry we left behind your boom box, we can get it back when her brother isn't around" Billy tells me. "Don't worry about it, I have a radio in my closet" I tell him as I hear a bunch of dinging sound from my left.

It's Vance and his dumb pinball game. "There are so many better arcade games out there, and you choose pinball. What's up with that?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"He's been playing that game since he was in 8th grade, he actually stopped playing for awhile but got back into it a few months ago" Billy informed me.

Billy, Vance and Bruce seem to know a lot about each other even thought they all have very different personalities. Same thing with Finn and Robin but I guess opposites attract.

"Oh yeah and I was meaning to ask, how did you guys take those jocks down? No offense but you guys don't seem like the fighting type, other than Vance" I ask, since they all seem kinda... wimpy.

They all look at each other than back at me "we've just been through worse" Robin explained. I nodded and stared at Vance as he plays his game. I walk towards him and stare at his face.

He's a pretty guy and it's actually pissing me off.

"Pretty guys piss me off" I say out loud staring back at his guy. "What the fuck does that have to do with me" he grumbles turning the knobs on his game. "I don't know if you checked into the mirror recently but you fall into the category" I tell him crossing my arms.

He lost his game.

He didn't move for a solid 5 seconds and his cheeks and ears were all pink. I smile "aww poor Vance hasn't been called pretty before" I say in a baby voice. "Shut the fuck up, asshole" he says flicking my forehead.

"Violence is never the answer" I say walking back to the others as Vance goes back to his dumb stupid ball game.


N/A - I promise the story will get more interesting as I wrote more. AND ALL I GOTTA SAY IS WOW PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ THE STORY THATS KINDA SCARY BUT THANK YOU 😋
and biology is no bueno

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