Chapter 2: Don't Think I'd Fall, But Here I Am

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Chapter notes: We continue with H babygirling his way through his emotions and Lou being his flirty confusing self...

The beloved Steve in my fic is Steve Durham, not Aoki. Have you guys not seen the tour Instagram Reels and Livestreams? Lou is lowkey obsessed with this dude.


A week rolled by and not a day had gone without thoughts of a certain alpha. Harry was sure his omega was confused because why would he be dwelling on a stranger and worse, someone who had made him feel so many mixed emotions?

He hated the weird twist in his gut whenever he caught himself wondering about Louis. This wasn't like him at all. Harry Styles was cool, composed and should be in total control of his omega. He shouldn't be pining over a stranger.

He sighed, stirring his cup of instant coffee before a boring three-hour long lecture on Textile Design Theory and Techniques. He exited the kitchen and saw Nick lazing on the couch of their living room, changing channels at an alarming speed.

"Forecast says there's gonna be a thunderstorm in the afternoon." Nick called out when the omega trudged past the telly and into his own bedroom. "Better bring an umbrella!"

Harry hummed in reply, throwing open his wardrobe and selecting his dark green bomber jacket. He frowned when he peered out of the window and saw blinding sunshine.

"Are you sure the weatherman's got his facts right?" He asked when he appeared back into the living room, shrugging on his jacket.

"Beats me." Nick said, yawning. "But if you end up catching a cold, you better not force me to take care of you."

Harry giggled, hiking his book bag which was still smudged and stained from that fateful day onto his shoulder. "You always take care of me, Grimmy. You're like Mother Hen."

Nick propped himself up on a cushion, glaring at Harry over the top of the couch. "Coz you're a handful, Styles."

The omega stuck out his tongue at his friend before yanking open their flat door. He didn't bother to take an umbrella since he would be riding Sha-Sha.


He had met Nicholas Grimshaw in the winter of his freshman term. He had been kicked unceremoniously out of his dorm room since his roommate had decided to invite company over without informing Harry. The omega was fed up with his roommate's awful behavior and had been angry enough to start browsing for flats for rent. He had posted about his wish to move out on his socials and one of his best mates from back home in Cheshire, Mitch, had messaged him with the news that he also knew another omega from Greenwich who was in the market for a flat mate.

Thus, he and Nick had met and formed the strongest friendship. Harry supposed it was due to how they both didn't quite fit into norm that came with being a stereotypical omega.

They were both taller than most and had a distinctive dislike for alphas who asserted themselves without valuing the opinions of other genders. They spent too many nights having a blast, laughing over how stupid some knotheads could act while sipping on red wine. Nick had drunk texted his ex-alphas almost every other insult in the dictionary more than once. Together, they were invincible and Harry knew he wouldn't find anyone as devoted as Nick. They didn't have any secrets between them and would always share everything about their lives with each other.

Well, this part might not be true anymore since Harry had kept his mouth shut about meeting Louis. Nope, he wasn't going to tell Nick because surely, his omega friend would taunt him for acting like a hopeless romanticist who fawns over alphas with blue eyes.

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