Chapter 1: One Hit, I Hit You, You Hit the Ground

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Writer NOTES: Minor injury infliction, very very minor so don't worry! Really hope you guys enjoy the first chapter! Feedbacks and comments are all welcomed!

Find me on Tumblr @thinlinez

The second moodboard is made by my love Ploom, check her out on Tumblr @ploomsgarden, thank you so much :)

The second moodboard is made by my love Ploom, check her out on Tumblr @ploomsgarden, thank you so much :)

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Just when Harry had decided things couldn't get any worse, a pigeon dropped a bomb on his book bag while he was eating at one of the picnic tables scattered around campus

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Just when Harry had decided things couldn't get any worse, a pigeon dropped a bomb on his book bag while he was eating at one of the picnic tables scattered around campus. His mouth fell open, failing to capture his spoonful of mashed potatoes as he literally witnessed the bird taking a shit on his new bag. It ruffled its feathers as if it was proud of itself before taking flight.

Harry seriously considered hurtling his half-eaten apple at the smug animal. He took a deep shuddering breath, closing his eyes and counting to ten. Treat people with kindness. Treat animals with kindness. This was his motto. He wasn't about to go against his code of conduct, at least, not here where he was surrounded by chattering students.

He sighed, grabbing his water bottle and pouring some liquid on the patch of stain. He wrinkled his nose as he scrubbed at the defecation with some tissues.

"Of all days, I had to bring Gucci?" The omega berated himself as he winced at the fact that the poop wasn't going away at all. On the other hand, the stain seemed to spread and made the whole bag look worse.

He had saved many months of the money he had gotten from being a Teaching Assistant and finally splurged on this bag after pacing in front of the Gucci store. He had always loved the brand and the elegance of the leather book bag had caught his attention ever since it had been set at the display window.

He deserved something nice after working so hard and it was this thought which gave him enough courage to hand over his credit card, letting Gucci swipe his bank account squeaky clean.

Today was the first day he was carrying his new bag around and it had to be the day which it got shitted on. Somehow, the omega shouldn't even be surprised. This week was going down in Harry's book as the worst week ever. Thank Gods midterms had ended and this fact was the sole silver lining on the otherwise pitch-black horizon.

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