10 - Silent Nights

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"...and you'll become your own grandson!" the Wall Commander concluded in Sergey's face.

For the last fifteen minutes, the Wall Commander yelled at anyone who got in his way. He went from rookies to Sergey, then back to rookies. He stopped because he got distracted by the three red fliers over the Gatehouse Area.

Sergey was all but deaf by then. He endured many scoldings over the years, being the asshole he was, but the Wall Commander's dressing-down was an art form. Sergey could not get used to it. After thirty years of service, he felt like a rookie when the Wall Commander got in his face.

Sergey looked at the red fliers. Red Alert, also known as Rookie Alert. Sergey saw hundreds of them over the years and participated in dozens. The breach of the perimeter never actually happened. How could it?

"The cadets are drilled through the night!" said Wall Commander. "When your son shows up, you both will join them. Sweet Sixteen will be fun in passive armor."

That sounded anything but fun to Sergey. However, that was the price of doing business. The amusement he drew from his pranks was always worth it. Even though his exterior expressed nothing but compliance, he was laughing inside. Also, he expected Dan to be half an hour late. Red Alert changed everything. Dan would now have to explain himself at every checkpoint at Gatehouse Area. It would take him forever to arrive. He could miss the shift altogether!

Why haven't I thought of it myself? Getting old, getting old.

A private approached the Wall Commander and greeted him. He greeted her back.

"Sir," she said. "Something odd is happening on the Night Deck. Twilight appears brighter than usual."


"We can see deeper in, sir."

The report made Sergey abandon his musings.

"Did you run a delusion check on yourself, private?" asked the Wall Commander.

"Yes, sir," she said. "The entire Night Deck did. Several guardians also swear that they see the Pyramid's tip in reflections. It's as if... Aeon Shield is down. But... that's... impossible, sir."

That was impossible. As impossible as the Sky cracking open.

"Go back to your post, see if the illusion is persistent," said the Wall Commander. "Report every fifteen minutes."

"Yes, sir," said the private and ran off.

Sergey exchanged confused looks with a few old-timers. A liaison appeared next and greeted the Wall Commander.

"Sir, we have a problem!" he said. "Communication is down. HQs and the bastions are silent. We dispatched a repair unit to look into it."

The Wall Commander walked to Sergey.

"If this is part of your prank, Sage, so help me Gods..."

Sergey had nothing to do with it. He was happy to take the credit for a mess caused by his pranks, but this was a step deeper into the creepy territory for his taste. The Wall Commander walked to the edge of the Wall and took a knee there. Not fazed by the mile drop, he did some manipulations on his wristband.

"Lieutenant!" said the Wall Commander to the liaison. "Get over here. Let's try the wire."

"Yes, sir!"

Something was up; Sergey could smell it. Something weird. Murmurs spread through the ranks. Zhen stared at the darkness of Aeon Shield. Sergey looked at it, too, and saw absolutely nothing, as expected.

Mirror Sky. Part 1 - Blissful NemesisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang