12 - Young Spirit Battle

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"I come in peace," said Gost.

His voice echoed across a large dark pentagonal hall among many angular reflective columns. He observed the spiral stairs in the middle that reached the reflective ceiling. There was no one around.

"I just want to talk," said Gost.

Two dozen dark figures came from around the columns and surrounded him from all sides. They drew their swords. The cutting edges of the weapons glowed blue, illuminating the dark armor and the impenetrable black masks. A series of lightning bolts jumped between the swords, blowing up the silence with the sounds of thunder.

Gost slowly raised his hands, but not too high and only as a courtesy.

"I should cut off your head again," said one of the figures calmly.

"Ireina, why would you keep doing something so futile?" asked Gost.

"Because it's fun?"

"It's a lot less fun for me," said Gost. "Quite uncomfortable."

He was ready to bet she smiled behind that mask.

"We're all the broken pieces of the old world," said Gost to everyone. "Can't we be civil? I want to say my piece and leave. That's all."

Gost turned in place and looked at the rigid figures pointing the buzzing swords at him. It was a strangely nostalgic sight. He meant it: they were all pieces of the old world. This entire scene looked two thousand years old: the armor, the weapons, his suit, the interior - perhaps everything but ideologies.

"I'm not here to interfere with the Gates in any way," said Gost.

"Interfere with the Gates in any way... again," corrected Ireina.

"Fair enough," said Gost, focusing his attention on Ireina. "I'm here to ask a favor."

"We believe you can't call any more favors," she said.

"Call - no," said Gost. "But ask? It wouldn't hurt, would it?"

Ireina said nothing.

"I'm not asking for myself," said Gost. "I'm asking for the City of Libra."

"So the invasion is the result of your ambiguity game?" asked Ireina, casting every word in steel.

She sounded furious. If their swords could speak, they would sound about the same.

"We wanted no part of your games before," she continued after a long silence, "And we want no part of it now."

"Nor am I asking you to participate," said Gost. "I heard your answer loud and clear the last time. It's the city that needs your help - not me. It's that simple."

Ireina said nothing for a few seconds. Then, she made two steps forward and brought her glowing buzzing blade within an inch of his throat.

"Yes," she said. "It is simple indeed. Almost insulting. You couldn't drag us in directly, so now you try a stunt. How typical."

"Millions will die," said Gost.

"That's on YOU!" Ireina suddenly raised her voice. "YOU, and YOUR meddling! You can never leave humanity alone! When you are in the middle of everything and pulling all the strings, YOU are responsible for EVERYTHING!"

"And when you participate in nothing," said Gost, "You're responsible for nothing. Convenient."

The blade got half an inch closer to his throat.

"It is not our mission to protect each individual's life," said Ireina. "That is humanity's responsibility. They decide who to kill and who to spare."

"So, your mission is still to ensure that..." began Gost.

Mirror Sky. Part 1 - Blissful NemesisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum