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"Are you insane?!" I whisper-yelled horrified. She wiggled her eyebrows as she watch him walk out of the store.

"Who was that hottie?" My cheeks burned as an unknown feeling growth in my chest. "I need his number." She bit her lips as she eyed him up and down. My jaw clenched, imagining them both, laughing together.

Was i... jealous?

She rolled her eyes before going to the cashier.
"He's probably too interesting in you for that. It's a shame, you need to get that dick, girl" She grinned before giving her articles to the young man in front of her.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I want to kill you." I groan. "Why would you embarrass me like that?!" I thought about what Mateo will think of me. Plus, I need to tutor him tonight. Perfect, really perfect.

Anna rolled her eyes before paying her.. things.
"Relax, it's not that deep."

I wanted to scream at her but I retain myself. When I think about it, Mateo wasn't really interested, it didn't seemed like he cared or something.

Anna checked the time on her phone before sighing.
"I really need to go, I have a date in 2 hours." Her and Jenna are definitely the same person what the hell. "I had fun with you, give me your number" She passed me her phone to put my number in it.

I returned at the academy after me and Anna exchanged numbers. It was nice meeting someone new. I needed to change my mind after what happened with my brother.

It's was practically 8 pm, meaning that I had to tutor Mateo. I honestly didn't want to. I was extremely exhausted and I wasn't even paid for that. I hope that he isn't falling too many classes because it'll be annoying for me.

I've decided to take a shower before we start, he wasn't even there so I don't think it will be a problem. Wearing my pink hello kitty shorts with a white camisole.

I scrolled on social media for a bit, waiting for him to come. I thought about what we could do. Why does he need a tutor, everybody knows that Mateo hates when someone helps him. So why would he want me as his tutor?

The girl who slapped him twice.

My thought were disturbed when the door opened.
I continued looking on my phone, but still watching him with one eye. He put his backpack on the side of his bed, removed his shoes and looked at me.
"I will take a shower before we starts" he simply say before closing the door of the bathroom.

Well, okay?
I put my phone on my nightstand and sit on one of the chair on the desk. He got out of the bathroom and my cheeks probably turned as red as a tomato, again.

Mateo was shirtless, with only a towel at his waist. His mouth watering abs were glistening in a thin layer of water. His thick arms looked scrumptious and would probably look better around my neck-

He turned his back to me to search for clothes. God save me. His back was even more sexier than his abs. I wonder how it would look with my marks on it.

I snapped out of my thoughts as he put a black shirt on, his arm muscles flexing. He returns to the bathroom probably to put pants too.

i took my water bottle and drink half of its content. i need to cool down.
he came back and sit next to me.

his chocolate curls that were dripping on his face made him look so fucking sexy. Mateo took out his books of his backpack before putting them on the table.

i cleared my throat and took a paper and a pencil out. "So? In what subject are you having trouble with?" I asked him. Hopefully, there's not much because I will honestly be drained after each session.

"all" He replied like it was nothing. Well, we have work to do. I looked at him with tired eyes and sighed. Well, well, well.


After one hour and a half, we were finally done. I hope he learned at least a couple of things. He put his things back in his backpack while I was staring at his arm muscles flexing in each movement.

He turned to look at me and I look away quickly.
"Artemis?" He asked, I hum in response and lift my eyebrows. "I feel like there's a weird, awkward tension between us and I don't like it, and I don't think you like it too. Juste for make things more comfortable." He paused.

Oh, I wasn't expecting that. I lift up my legs and put my knees to my chest. I put my hands on my feet and watched him continue.

He was now standing up and looked down at me.

He sighed and blushed a little. Was...he nervous?
A grin makes up on my face, but I quickly hide it.

"Can we start over?" I stared at him. No responding.
Let me think, he called me a whore, he insulted me at a party, he finger fucked me and left me with the cleaning, feeling used.

"Okay, everyone needs a second chance." I say.
My sister wouldn't be proud of that.
okay, short chapter 😭 but listen i did my best okay. anyways, gonna correct that tonight

 anyways, gonna correct that tonight

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