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"Mateo, you're going to retake this year." The annoying director says. I was called in the principal office like two days ago, but I was too preoccupied fingering my roommate.
"Okay?" I simply said. I don't care I can just go to a normal university or something like that.

"No, you don't understand, if you don't pass this year, you can't go to college. Your results are way too low. You don't even have half of the passing note!" I rolled my eyes. Does she think I care?

She called me in her office to talk about my last science exam because apparently, i didn't get the passing note and all my exams are like that.

I don't even understand, I listen in class! No you're talking with the person next to you. Argh you're right, I don't listen in class. Honestly I don't give a fuck about school. I'm only here because of my mom. She's not doing well recently. I know she's disappointed in me but she still love me.
She works two part time jobs to give us a roof and to pay this school.

You're throwing away all the hard work your mom is doing for you, because you're lazy.

I got up of the chair to leave but she stopped me with her hand. "You're not going anywhere until I finished talking."  I groaned and sit back down on the hard wood chair.
"What?" I ran a hand through my hair and look at her small grey eyes.

"Okay so I was thinking that maybe we could ask one of our best student to tutor you." She sighed when she saw that I wasn't even paying attention. I don't want to spend my afternoons listening to stupid nerds.

" Look, I will show you our best tutors and you'll chose one okay?" She asked probably annoyed. I nodded. I'll do it for my mom. Even though I hate people here. She smiled before tapping on her computer. She probably think that there's still hope in me.

She looked at the screen for a minute before  she took three sheets out of her desk.
"Okay so we have Leonel Ramon, he's one class lower than you but he's the smartest. He can teach you Mathematics, English and science."  I don't say anything which makes her continue.

"The problem is that he's a very shy boy who stutters a lot and you'll need to take another tutor or learn by yourself the other subjects. You're failing English, Math, Geography and science. But you're the best student in French." She says. Well no shit I'm French. I hate when people talk slowly so no thanks.

She put the paper on her desk, infront of me. A picture of boy with blonde hair and braces was at the top of the paper. He was smiling a bit, it was obvious that he was forcing his smile. He looks like a spoiled brat who spend his daddy's money.

"We also have Lindsay Juliet Morins, she's in the same classes as yours, an advantage." An advantage? You mean that the person who's tutoring me is in the same class as me is an advantage ?  " She's an history freak, but she's super smart, she can teach you geography. The problem is that you'll need another tutor if you take her." She says. One is already enough.

Fuck, I didn't know I was that stupid. Honestly I don't give a shit, It's just my mom. I took the paper and saw that it was a red head girl with blue eyes and freckles. Cute, but not my type.

"Okay so the last one, Artemis Cromwell." My eyes widened. " She's a little genius, straight A's and she's super calm. She doesn't mind changing her schedule for tutoring people. She's the best in the school. She can teach you English, Mathematics, science and geography. Perfect for you." She handed me the paper.

A small picture of Artemis was at the top, her long brown hair were slicked back in a high ponytail, showing all the perfect traits of her face. The small dimples on her cheeks were visible as she smiled. A real, heart melting smile.

Interesting, the little greek goddess is a tutor. It'll be fun.

" I will take Artemis, I'll inform her about this and we'll see if I pass my classes."
"You're dismissed. Have a great day." I give her a fake smile before standing up. Finally.

" Thanks Mrs. Jones." I got out of her office and went straight to the cafeteria. I didn't get to see Artemis this morning. She wakes up so early, damn.

I couldn't stop thinking about her moaning and whimpering as I fucked her with my fingers. I wonder if she'll look this pretty riding my dick. God I wanted to taste her so bad, but I didn't wanted to hurry things, I think it was the first time somebody touched her like I did.

Once I enter at the cafeteria, everyone turned their eyes on me. But my eyes were focused on one thing,
Her. Her hair were in a high ponytail like she was on the picture. She was wearing a short baby blue skirt and a white sleeve shirt showing a little bit of her cleavage. She looked so beautiful wearing that.

She doesn't realize who much she affect us. All men in this school are drooling over her. Her small waist and wide hips can put any male on their knees.

A boy was siting at her table. I've never seen him before. He look like the girl next to Artemis, she's always with her. She turned her head to look at me and rolled her eyes. Her cheeks were in a light shade of pink as her friend giggled. I kept looking at her.

She got up, probably to take some food. I was about to go when her friends got up too and runned out of the cafeteria. They hide behind a wall, looking straight at me. Uh?

Once she had taken her food, she sat at the same table. Her shoulders dropped when she saw that her friends weren't there. This is my chance. I walk up to the table. I'll tell her about the tutoring thing, and I have a little offer for her too.

I sat next to her, my chin on my hand.
She stopped drinking whatever her drink was and look up at me trough her eyelashes. She gulped.
Her innocent eyes looked at me, probably remembered the last time I was this close to her.
When my fingers were in her pussy.

I'm going to change that innocence of her eyes soon.
She'll beg me to fuck her over and over. She'll become a dirty little slut.
My dirty little slut.

 My dirty little slut

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