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I was freezing, my hair was wet and smelled like chlorine and my skin was wrinkled and dry. I walked slowly in the silent night, heading back to the academy.

The pool closed 10 minutes ago so I had to rush out. I was so tired and desperately needed a good shower. My eyes were probably red due to the water and my skin dirty with all the people that came in the pool.

A part of me was mad and frustrated that my brother was coming here, that I will see him everyday but, deep down, I know that I'm happy. Even though he hates me, i honestly just want a hug from him.

That's the problem. It will never happens, he doesn't like me, for him, we're strangers. I sighed and dig my teeth in my lower lip, trying to hold the tears back, I've been crying too much this week, I don't need to add more to it.

I got my phone out of my pocket, checking when the next bus will pass. Luckily for me, the last one is in 5 minutes. I sit on the ground waiting patiently for my bus, with only thoughts of my brother in my head.
I rushed to the bathroom, trying not to wake up Mateo. I closed the door silently and look at my dirty and dry hair and frowned. I really don't have the energy to wash it today.

I took my hairbrush and brushed it a few times, trying to take away all the knots, but my hair was in the same mood as me. They won't cooperate. I grimaced in pain as I look at my poor hair that was now dry and puffy.

And then, the worst thing happened. I stared to cry like a baby. i was frustrated and was thinking of all the rude things my dad said to me, all the time I was crying in my room, while he was ruthlessly beating me up because I was crying too loud, all the times he looked at me with disgust because I had bruises on my face, insulting me because I looked like a rat and that I was ugly. The bruises he made.

All of the time when I was depressed and disgusted about myself after my twin passed away. All of the times I thought it was my fault because of my family.

All the times were I wanted I hug of my little brother, for me to tell him everything was going to be alright that we were here for each others. All the hopes I had. The fact that I will talk to him in less than 24 hours freaks me out.

I'm scared, he never liked me, he never did and never will, and here I was, on the bathroom floor, crying over the cold titles with the oversized shirt Lucy gave me. I crossed my arms around my legs and sighed. I became more quiet as my tears fell quickly on my face.

After a few minutes, I heard small knocks on the door followed with the sleepy voice of Mateo. "Are you alright in there?" I quickly wiped my tears and got up. He doesn't care, he doesn't care, I silently prayed before opening the door. I hope i don't look too much like a fool.

He looked at me with a frown, probably not understanding the situation. I sighed and covered my face with my hands. "I know I look like a mess, I've just got back from the swimming pool, I'm sorry if I woke you up."

My nose was runny and I kept sniffing again and again. I was incredibly cold and my face was probably red with embarrassment and the tears that were drowning my face just a couple of minutes ago.

He pushed me inside of the bathroom while I look at him with confusion, he suddenly grabbed me by the waist. I gasped slightly as my eyes widened. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to cover the embarrassing noise. He raised an eyebrow and simply put me on the counter.

He stood between my legs, looking at me. He was scanning my face and my hair, probably wondering what happened. For once, I looked at him too, without feeling stressed or anxious. I was just calm and the silence in the room helped me with my thoughts.

His hair was messy but looked so soft, I just wanted to run my hands in it, just to feel the soft brown curls. I could see the tiredness in his eyes and I couldn't help but felt bad for waking him up.

I look down at my hands that were laying on my lap only for my eyes to widened. He's shirtless. Mateo Adams is standing in my legs without a shirt. He probably slept without one. My cheeks burned when my eyes meet his smooth skin- it looked smooth., When I looked up again he was looking at my hair with my brush in his hand.

Wait what? In a matter of seconds, he was brushing my hair, getting the knots away, I was too concentrated on his face to feel the pain of him detangling the knots. The silence wasn't awkward at all, it was like peace on my mind, whenever he is around, I can't think of anything else.

My pink brush and his hand, my face covered in tears and him brushing my hair was something I wasn't used to. With my mom living far away from us, I didn't get the love of a mother, just the hate of a father.

He was gentle with my hair, brushing it looking concentrated. If my cheeks weren't burning then, now they're literally on fire. I try not to move and just enjoy the feeling of his hands.

After 5 minutes, he got all of my knots out, and I was ready to take a warm shower, while I was preparing the water, he gave me one of my pyjamas. Still without a word, like he knew I didn't wanted to talk about it.

He closed the door behind him as butterflies flew in my stomach. I removed my clothes and got in the shower, I put some shampoo in my hair and finally washed them, feeling the sweet smell of coconut invading my nostrils, feeling relaxed.
After drying and brushing my hair again I got out of the bathroom, the lights were closed and Mateo was probably sleeping again. I tried to stay silent but my bed made so much noises. You know the white covers in the hotels? Yeah, that's the cover I have.

I put the covers on myself and exhaled, my body was exhausted and my mind was no longer spiralling.
I was so exhausted that I practically didn't noticed the arm that was put on my waist and the warm body standing beside me, hugging me. Like it was keeping me safe from my own thoughts. Wait, what?!!! He's in my bed??!

"If you ever need to talk, I will be there." He says. I was too shocked and stunned to open my mouth. If someone told me one year ago that I Mateo Adams would be hugging me in my sleep, i would have laughed in their face.

His smell invaded my nose. He smelled so good even though he's not wearing any cologne. His body was so close to mine and I could hear the heartbeat in his chest while he breathed on top of my head. "Good night Artemis" Was all I heard before diving in a peaceful sleep I haven't had in a long time.

He stopped the thoughts i thought would never stopped.


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