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"You look a little too happy this morning." Jenna whispered. I turn my head towards her to find Luciano looking like he knows what I did. My confidence immediately goes down as I realized what I did. We were sitting in our last period of the day, mathematics.

Oh my god, what did I do! Maybe he was uncomfortable and he will report me for sexual assault! My palms are all sweaty, I think I might throw up. No, I'm probably overthinking, right?

"Nevermind" She says, she raised her hand
and gave me a wink. She's so weird.

Jenna, Luciano and I were sitting in the back of the class, talking about random things. I also learn that
Luci didn't actually sleep with his teachers. That was just Jenna giving me fake news.

"Yes Mrs.Deiana?" Our math teacher asked. He doesn't like Jenna that much, she's always talking in his class and he hate when we speak. We can't have fun here.

"Artemis is not feeling well, can i took her to the nurse's office? Look at her? She's so pale." She made a fake worried face and touch my face, palming it.

"Whatever, I don't care" he says. Wow thanks for worrying about our future. I understand why nobody likes him.

What?! I'm getting bitches! No, you're not.

We stand up and everyone is looking at us, i don't like that, it makes me uncomfortable. The teacher didn't give us a single glance before returning to his teaching.

Jen dragged me outside of the class. Once the door closed, she sighed before looking at me like I was an alien.
"What?" I say, rolling my eyes.

I don't have the time for her to judge me when I'm like this, feeling guilty again. God, I really need to stay away from that boy or I'll never be able to go to class without overthinking.
I need to go to college, I don't want to disappoint my mom or my sister.

"Let's go to the bathroom and we'll talk".
Yeah it's probably better if we go to the bathroom because if we stay here teachers will caught us, and I don't need detention right now. It's the most important year.

I better get straight A's or I could never go in psychology, i want to be a psychologist and I need a scholarship for a good college.
We walked through the empty halls and silence. I fell bad for Luciano, but I'm sure the girls in class will keep him occupied.

Once we were in the bathrooms I close and lock the door and leaned against the sinks. Jen stood in front of me and I knew she would ask me about this morning.
"Are you okay, hermosa?" Her eyes softened.

I broke down and started crying like a baby.
She hugged me tight as she put my head in her neck.

"It's okay, you can cry"

I'm just so overwhelmed this past year, I'm so stressed and everything about my family just freaked me out. I don't know why I am so freaking sensitive this past week, all I've been doing was crying until my eyes and head hurts.

"Tell me, what's on your mind?"

Honestly i don't even know what to say, i dont even know why i am crying.
"I don't know" I sighed. Gosh what is wrong with me.

She gives me a small smile before taking my hand. I didn't have time to blink that she was dragging me in the hallways again. What is her problem. Where are we going again.

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now