s1, ep 5 ; wildfire

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once the chaos ended. the group called it a night. most of the group decided themselves between hiding out in dale's rv, and the two suvs. dale sat atop the rv, keeping watch on the perimeter, as well as andrea just bellow him. daryl, she guessed was walking the perimeter. it's been a while since she last saw him, and she would be lying if she said we was slightly worried, but she knew he could handle himself.

because her tent was one of the few destroyed, juno camped out in the bed of the truck all night long. she didn't even try to sleep. every little creek and crunch from the forest made her jump, so she stayed up the entire time keeping an eye out, especially watching amy and andrea.

juno was incredibly sad seeing amy. this was the first death she had every really had happen to her. all her grandparents were dead before she was born, and her family wasn't really close with many people. her parents, juno had no idea if they were okay. she left them behind in canada when she went to persue film, and sadly hadn't visited as much as she had hoped. but her parents were strong, so she kept hope that maybe they were off somewhere safe and sound . . . maybe one day she go and find them.

but amy, she was juno's friend, and to see her gone made her heart throb just a bit. juno could only imagine what amy must be feeling.

"hey." glenn stood at the end of the truck, his baseball hat clutched in his hand as he fiddles with the fabric. "okay if i join?"

juno patted the spot next to her, with a small smile.

the truck bounced a bit as glenn got settled in. it was clear he tried to keep his footsteps light against the metal, he was kinda failing tho. (that or every single sound at nighttime sounds louder then it actually is). 

"how're you doing?" he whispered.

juno shrugged. in some ways she was okay? she didn't feel like bawling her eyes out, and wailing indignantly at the sky 'why, god? why?!' like they do in the movies. in some monotonous way, she'd already accepted what happened, but at the same time she can't stop thinking about it. now that had time to pause and think about the absolute chaos of the past two days, there was a tightening in her chest, and the pit of her stomach twisted in devastation, to the point where she wanted to vomit. what's the word for that? she want too sure. maybe she was overwhelmed, but she wasn't sure how to express that.

she shrugged again and shook her hands. "my head hurts from getting punched, and erm . . . i messed up my shoulder a bit from firing the shotgun."

glenn paused. "that's all?"

juno looked at glenn. "i'm as okay as anyone can be after what we experienced today. don't worry about me."

the silence that came egged juno to ask. "how are you?"

"freaked out. i can't believe that some of us are gone, just like that. i really thought we were safe here. but then the geek in the forest . . . that should have been our sign to leave. maybe this could have been prevented."

"at least we know better now."

"yeah but at what cost? and how many more people are we gonna loose because we weren't smart?"

juno didn't really know how to respond to that, so instead she grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it. "we'll be alright." she whispered.

glenn left a while later to take over for dale. the night got colder, and juno was still restless. andreas wails had calmed down to light sniffles every so often, and Amy still had yet to turn. daryl did return a few hours later, stalking towards the truck, crossbow in hand.

he nodded at juno as he passed. "perimeters clear." he felt the need to tell her. she nodded, lessening her hold on the gun. daryl eyed her for a moment, but didn't stop walking. he jumped into the drivers side, making sure to quietly close the door behind him.

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