s1, ep 4 ; vatos

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juno grimaced at the sight of the severed hand--she wasn't entirely sure how to react, nor could she wrap her head around the idea of merle actually cutting off his own hand. daryl had stopped wailing---another thing juno wasn't sure how to react too. how does one comfort daryl dixon?--everyone waited nervously for a reaction from daryl.

and top be honest, it didn't shock juno when daryl turns his crossbow on t-dog, his eyes holding nothing but pure rage. rick retaliated without hesitation, aiming his python at daryl's head.

"i won't hesitate. i don't care if every walker in the city hears it."juno had every right to believe officer friendly's threat.

daryl eyed t-dog with a malicious glare, then lowered his crossbow. "you got a do-rag or something?" he asked. t-dog handed him one from his back pocket. daryl used it to wrap up the severed hand. "i guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs. ain't that a bitch." he picked it up, walked behind glenn, and (much to glenn's disgust) put it in his backpack. "he must have used a tourniquet... maybe his belt. be much more blood if he didn't."

daryl walked towards away from the group, and that's when juno noticed the trail of blood.

the trail led the group back inside the building. "merle? You in here?" the group walks down the stairs. the groan of a walker caught everyone's attention. juno's stomach churned. please don't let that be merle. she'd hate for daryl to find his brother a walker. the group walked into an office room, and found that thank fully it wasn't. daryl shot the walker, and they spread out to check that the room was walker safe, only to come across two dead walkers.

"merle did this?" juno questioned.

daryl grunted. "had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches--one handed. toughest asshоlе I ever met, my brother. feed him a hammer, he'd crap out nails."

"any man can pass out from blood loss, no matter how tough he is." said rick.

they continue forward into another room. "merle!"

"we're not alone here. remember?" rick hissed.

daryl scoffed. "screw that. he could be bleeding out. you said so yourself."

they came across a dimply lit messy kitchen. oddly, a burnt smell lingured in the room, like someone was cooking but left it on the stove. sure enough, the stove was lit with a pan on top and little burned bits in it. juno had seen enough movies to know what happened here.

daryl came up behind her. "what's that burned stuff?"

"skin, i think." she cringed. "he cauterized the stump."

"told you he was tough. nobody can kill merle but merle."

"don't take that on faith. he's lost a lot of blood." said rick.

daryl walked up to a smashed window. "yeah? didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap."

"he left the building? Why the hell would he do that?" asked glenn.

"why wouldn't he? he's out there alone as far as he knows, doing what he's got to do. surviving." daryl stated.

"you call that surviving? just wandering out in the streets, maybe passing out? what are his odds out there?" asked t-dog.

"no worse than being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks." daryl said. "you couldn't kill him. ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard."

"what about a thousand dead dumb bastards? different story?" rick said.

"why don't you take a tally? do what you want. I'm gonna go get him." daryl went to leave the room, but rick stopped him with a hand on his chest.

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