"Makes sense. Gerard Argent, for everyone's information after all. He is the one, who blinded Deucalion in the first place. At a peace summit that the alpha had organized, no less. He also slaughtered his own men with a spiked mace that he had made out of an old club and for the spikes, he used werewolf claws." Casey said and they all looked at her. "I was a hunter before I was Derek's Emissary, guys, I kind of have to know that stuff." She said.

"I know where they are." Scott called out as he opened the door and Casey looked up along with the rest of them.

"Same building as the Argents, we know." Derek explained to Scott, as Tye followed Scott into the building with Beatrice, who still wanted to know what was going on, even if she couldn't actively participate in it.

"Cora and I, we followed the twins." Boyd explained to Scott and the other Beta's eyes, they widened at the words.

"Then-then, they want you to know." Scott for once, he was making valid points and Casey shrugged a bit.

"True. Or they don't care, because they aren't expecting a bunch of Beta werewolves, their alpha, and their human Emissary to go after them all right away, after the absolute kick in the ass that we all got last time." She said and Scott narrowed his eyes at her. "Right, it was you and Isaac, you two weren't here for that. Which is why, it is actually one of the possible best plans, that we could have come up with." Casey said and Scott looked at her, like she was insane.

"What is this?" Scott asked.

"Isn't it obvious to you? The schemers are scheming, Casey is planning and taking stock of her weaponry, we are coming up with a coup de main, better known as a preemptive strike." Peter explained and he looked at Casey, who nodded a bit.

"You're going after them?" Scott asked.

"Tomorrow. And you're gonna help us." Derek explained and they looked over at Casey as she had loaded one of her guns and she looked at them.

"Sorry." Casey said and she put the gun down on the table. "I forgot, who I was scheming with." She remarked.

"They're one floor above them in the penthouse. Right above Allison and it is like Casey said, they are there for a reason." Derek said and Casey looked up, as she was checking and counting how much ammunition she had.

"Shit, lost count." Casey muttered.

"So kill them first. That is, the whole plan?" Scott asked.

"They won't even see it coming."

"Why is the default plan always murder? Just once can someone try to come up with something, that doesn't involve killing everyone?"

"Much easier said than done in this world, Scott, especially when you are going up against a pack of Alphas and not just alphas, but augmented alphas, each of them who have killed... whole packs." Casey replied and she walked over to them again. "If there was a way, then we would know." She said as Carter was studying the maps and the blueprints.

"You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" Peter asked and then he looked over at Casey and Derek, who raised their eyebrows at him in unison. "Not that I disagree with him." Peter said.

"I do. Why do we even need this kid?" Cora interrupted and Casey, she looked at the younger Hale.

"He helped save your ass after you and Boyd escaped, as opposed to just killing you." Casey pointed out and Cora growled at her. "Fine, fine, the annoying human is shutting up."

"This kid, he helped save your life like Casey said." Derek reminded Cora and he looked at Scott. "And you know that we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move." Derek said to Scott.

"You can't beat a pack of Alphas, not even with a experienced hunter and Deucalion's nephew on your side." Scott protested and he looked at Casey, who was silently watching him. "You know that this is insane, tell him!" Scott said.

"I'm not telling them anything Scott, not unless you have a better plan in your mind." Casey replied and Scott went quiet. "Exactly." She murmured.

"That's why we are going after Deucalion, just him." Cora explained and Scott looked at them.

"Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies." Boyd explained and once again, Scott looked at Casey and now, the hunter was silently studying all of the blueprints.

"Only this isn't a snake we are talking about, it's a hydra. And like Scott says, they're all alphas." Peter reminded.

"Deucalion's still the leader." Derek pointed out.

"True enough, Derek," Everyone turned to look over at Carter in some clear surprise, as the heavily accented werewolf had finally spoken up. "It is true that my uncle is the leader, but his second is Kali and she is more vicious and nearly as unhinged as he is. If not more so, she will be more than happy to take over if Deucalion dies, and she will kill us all." Carter casually spoke.

"We are also now, I just remembered, we are forgetting a piece of the puzzle here." Tye said and Casey glanced at him. "Kali and Ennis have a kid, you know that." He said and Derek looked at Casey, who was already starting to think. "If we trapped Freya somehow, got her away from the fighting... Then, maybe we have finally then, just got leverage against Kali and Ennis." Tye said and Casey scoffed a little.

"That, that is strategy right there. Nice idea, T." She said and she noted it, and she sighed. "But that doesn't stop the twins..."

"You sure about that?" Carter questioned and Casey looked at him and he shrugged. "Just wondering, if you are sure." He said.

"Do you know something that we don't?" Casey asked and Carter was shaking his head.

"Just rumors." Carter said and Casey nodded a little.

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