~Chapter 6~

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     Callous. Bitter

     I sat on my bed, looking at the jewel on top of the comforter on my bed.

     The sunset rays shine through my window, curtains closed to block some of the light. It was around five in the evening, the sun outside peacefully going to sleep. My balcony door was open, a slight breeze moved the curtains.

     I studied the jewel carefully, wondering what it could be. How come the legendary locker had been jammed for so long? Why was it that when I first went to open it, it didn't budge? Yet once everyone was gone, it opened with ease.

     Questions continued swarming through my head, wanting an answer. I grabbed the jewelry, taking a better look at it. It was silver, the five rings connected to the bracelet with chains running down. I figured, since it's a nice piece of accessory, might as well keep it. Besides, it was locked up for so many years, no one's looking for it.

     I slipped the bracelet onto my wrist, then untangled the chains to secure the rings onto my fingers. Almost instantly, a bright light blinded my face. It came from the jewel, and I closed my eyes. A few seconds later, the bright light disappeared and I opened my eyes.

     Nothing looks different, the jewel is still silver, and a little wolf is floating above it. Wait...

     "What the hell!?" I shouted, seeing the floating creature. I grabbed my stuffed animals from the side of my bed, throwing them at the animal.

     "Wait!! Don't panic!" The creature started to talk, dodging my attacks.

     "You talk too?!" I asked it, not stopping.

     "I'll explain everything! Just stop!"

     I held up one of the stuffed animals, letting it speak.

     "Okay, phew," the creature took a deep breath. "Hello! My name's Midnightt! I'm a kwami, I'm a celestial creature with the power bestowed upon me! What you have around your hand there is called a Miraculous, you will use that, and me, to defeat anyone who wants to use the Miraculous for evil!"

     I stared at the creature, a look of disbelief on my face. Its hands were in the air, excited to present what it was.

     "What...?" I questioned, lowering the stuffed animal, but mainly due to confusion.

     "You've heard of those heroes, Ladybug, Chat Noir, Majestia, right?" Midnightt asked.

     "Yes, I have. A friend at school said they exist to defeat a bad guy with a goofy name-," I recalled.

     "Exactly! You're just like them! Well, with me in your possession of course," Midnightt explained, floating around my room to investigate it. "Do you have any meat around here?"

     "Wait, so this jewel is a miraculous, right? Does that mean Ladybug and Chat Noir also have these? That's what gives them those powers?" I remembered what Alya told me about the Miraculous. She had no clue about them.

     "Exactly! Except, Ladybug's is a pair of earrings, Chat Noir's is a ring," Midnightt corrected me.

     "Are there more Miraculous?"

     "Oh, there were tons of them! We all had a home, called a Miracle Box, where a Guardian would protect it with its life. There would be many different animals Miraculous in there," Midnightt continued floating around, trying to find food. "Except, many years ago, there was an accident at the temple, all the Miracle Boxes burned in a huge fire. I was the only one who survived my box, and one box was recovered. That box held the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, the most powerful ones ever created!"

     "How many boxes were there?" I wondered.

     "Who knows! All I know right now from being cooped up since the last time I was out in the world, there is only the Chinese Miracle Box, which is in the hands of Master Fu. The box I came from was destroyed, so it's just me," Midnightt repeated.

     "Yeah, I got that," I admitted. "So how is it that I found you? Where you were stuck was a relevant place where anyone could get you."

     "My last owner put me in there 'cause when I was given to them, they didn't want anything to do with me," Midnightt stopped flying, appearing in front of me to explain everything. "I'm not sure how it was jammed, but I'm glad you're lasting longer than the last one."

     "Be glad I didn't put you back in the locker. I was in too much shock to know what to do," I confessed.

     "All I can tell you is that you now have a duty with the Miraculous in your hands. I don't have a guardian or a Miracle Box to call home, so you have to make sure that when your time is done, you pass me on to someone trustworthy," Midnightt warned me. "Like a family heirloom or something."

     "Yeah, got it," I nodded.

     "Good, well, let me explain everything else. Get comfy, human," the kwami floated to my shoulder, pushing me down and getting comfy themself. "So, I'm the one who powers up your ability. You'll have to feed me regularly when you're not transformed, and when you detransform, I need food, or I won't have the energy to power you up. Since you're not an adult, those are the consequences of it, and you may have to detransform after you use my power. My power, once you transform, is simple: say "Howl!" and you have five minutes till you detransform."

     "Wait, you keep saying detransform what?" I interrupted her.

     "You'll see here in a bit," She brushed me off.

     "My power grants you the ability to howl five times, it will create an ear-piercing sound that creates a very good distraction in battle. You will also have a great sense of smell and a bit of enhanced hearing and sight. Your weapon when you transform are claws," Midnightt informed.

     "Claws? Like Wolverine?" I laughed.

     "Yeah, sure," Midnightt shrugged. "To transform, all you have to say is, 'Midnight, howl on!', to detransform, 'Midnight, time to rest'."

     "Midnight, howl on?" I repeated.

     "No, wait!" the kwami threw her hands up until she began getting sucked into the silver jewelry.

     Something began to happen, the jewelry changed from silver to black, and a glove appeared on the same hand. From my wrist up, a layer of skin-tight, flexible, and breathable material began to wrap around my skin and body. A belt appeared with a wolf's paw print in the center, and a fluffy wolf tail also emerged.

     "Great, turning into a furry," I muttered.

     My legs also get wrapped in the material, leather boots covering my feet up to my knees. A mask materialized onto my face, the same dark grey color as the suit. Then, my hair fell from the bun I had it in, a black and grey ombre on the ends. Lastly, leather pointed ears formed on my head, making the outfit complete.

     I rushed over to my full-size mirror, taking a look at myself. I looked different, especially my hair. I glanced at the jewel on my wrist, now embedded into my glove, and the bracelet had a little screen on it, like a watch. A wolf face, broken into five parts, was on the cover. I tapped it, and it gave me a list of options to go through, mainly contacts and a guide. I pressed on the guide option, and a list of everything Midnightt told me about popped up. I scrolled down, at my powers, my timer, my phrases, and how to activate my weapon.

     For the next five minutes, I catch myself up on everything else my kwami was supposed to mention to me. I had a sudden urge to go test out my new abilities in action, and possibly meet these two superheroes of Paris.

     I stepped to the flowing curtain of my balcony, moved them out of my way, and stepped out on the balcony.

     It was nighttime now, the sun asleep, the night sky dotted with white orbs and a bright full moon in the sky. It was a cloudless night, with a small breeze, but perfect. The yellow lights of the city ahead of me gave more life to the streets, especially the monumental Eiffel Tower a few streets down from me.

     "Time to go meet the other Miraculous holders."

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