Chapter 18: Little Friends

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"Uh... do you think she meant 'Orphanage'?" Merci asked.

"Maybe... but, what does that mean? Why can't she come because of that!?"

Merci was a bit nervous. She knew that this was one of those many common things she'd have to explain to her daughter one day, but she never imagined it would be under these circumstances.

"It's, uh, well, an orphanage is a place where, well, orphans live," Merci explained to her young daughter. "Orphans are kids who no longer have parents, either because their parents couldn't take care of them, or..." The mother took a heavy breath, trying to find the right way to word this. "...Or because their parents are no longer around. It's different depending on the kid. They all have their own stories."

Nepgear took this in... and began bawling harder.

"Oh, oh, sweetie... it's okay." Then Merci decided to take action. "Listen, come with me."

Merci shut off her car, and took Nepgear back into the school to find her teacher.

Upon finding her, the teacher seemed concerned upon seeing the crying Nepgear. "Um, hello, is something wrong?"

"No, and don't worry, I don't think this is something you did wrong," Merci replied, to ease the teacher's concern. "Do you know my daughter's friends?"

"Oh, yes. She's friends with Uni, which is fantastic, as many of the other kids like to make fun of her... unfortunate speech impediment. Both of them also play with some of the preschooler kids during recess. Twins actually, their names are Rom and Ram."

"That's great. Now... I heard that Uni might be an orphan?"

"Oh, yes, it's true. I think the twins are, too, though I don't know for sure. They aren't a part of my class, you see." Then the teacher realized something. "Oh, uh, earlier, your daughter asked if she and her friends could have a playdate."

"Yes, this is what that is about. Nepgear here seems to think that it can't happen, because her friends have no parents to ask," Merci said, motioning to her daughter. Nepgear nodded in agreement, still slightly upset.

"Oh, dear. I suppose I worded that wrong," the teacher admitted. Then she knelt down to Nepgear. "Listen, kids without parents or family, it's very tough on them, but that doesn't mean you can't go visit her."

Nepgear looked up. "So I can play with my friends after school?"

"Of course!" the teacher replied, before turning back to her mother. "I'll try to get information on where her friends live, and I'll email it to you, so you can try to set up a day for them to meet."

"Thank you," Merci said. "Nepgear, your teacher is doing a good thing for you. What do you say?"

"Thank you!" Nepgear replied, now much happier.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

The following weekend...

Mercury had gotten the info for the orphanage Nepgear's friends stayed at, and quickly worked to set up a time for the little friend group to play. A time was set up to play at a nearby park during the weekend.

And today was the day. The whole family was coming. Mercury was holding Nepgears hand, as they walked along, while Neptune and Uzume hung back with Umio. Croire was also present, still in the Nep-Note, but Neptune was ready to take her away if she got belligerent.

Uzume seemed to be deep in thought, a little distressed, and Umio noticed.

"Uzume, are you okay?" Umio asked.

Ultradimension Neptunia: Big Nep and SmolgearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang