At this time Paul found himself wandering the streets of Vale. There were no classes for 3 more days due to most teachers and first year students being away in missions, so he thought it was a great time to explore the city some more. Him and Kat had been trying to find a nice place to eat, and eventually they found it. It was a nice restaurant at the top of one of the buildings that surrounded the main square of the city. Once they ordered their meals they began talking about what had led them here in the first place. Paul was convinced it was the crystal that he had found, while Kat believed it was an act of God. Their conversation was interrupted when Kropp showed up unexpectedly.

In the midst of their meals Kropp began talking about something that had happened to him earlier. Apparently Robert's girlfriend blamed them for his death. When she saw Kropp walking through the hallways minding his own business, she had a mental breakdown and began crying, yelling and attempting to attack Kropp while hurling insults at him. The whole ordeal gathered up a crowd, and Kropp, not being used to this kind of situation just walked away in shame. While he was explaining the sound of a train was heard, slowly increasing in volume. Kat and Paul looked all around for it but they couldn't find any train tracks.

The train sounds didn't stop until at one point a train kart ruptured the ground and landed in the plaza, crushing some innocent bystanders.

Inspecting the wreck closely, Kat was able to spot team RWBY standing beside the wrecked train. "Weren't they supposed to be in a mission?" Kat thought. A big crowd gathered up to see what had happened but was spooked away when grimm started coming out from the torn up ground. All kinds of grimm could be seen coming out. Ursas, beowolves, small nevermores, scorpions, and even a giant snake. The boys sat dumbfounded looking at all these monsters destroying the city and eating the civilians. Once they got out of their initial shock the rushed downstairs.

By now team RWBY had begun to battle the multiple grimm the were storming the city. Weiss found herself dealing with 3 beowolves at once. That wasn't a problem. Using her semblance she was able to create 3 ice spikes the came out from the ground, impaling the beowolves. What she didn't know was that there was a 4th beowolf stalking her. The wolf lunged at her and she didn't have time to react, she just closed her eyes waiting for the worst. A loud gunshot was heard and when she opened her eyes, she saw the wolf dissolve. She looked to see who her savior had been and saw that Kat had shot it. To his side stood Paul and Kropp all with their rifles readied.

To their right an army of 30 ursas were heading their way, to their left 25 beowolves. They were surrounded from all sides. The grimm were slowly pushing both teams into the center of the square. The grimm stopped momentarily as if they were examining their pray. The snake grimm let an ear piercing screech before all the surrounding grimm charged at the huntsmen.

The Germans began picking off grimm one by one but they knew it wouldn't be enough. Luckily for them, most of the work was being done by team RWBY. Ruby jumped off the small platform they were standing and impaled her Crescent Rose into the ground. With her weapon stuck to the ground she began using her semblance and spinning in circles holding on to the handle of the scythe. She was delivering kicks to any grimm that approached. While Ruby was doing that Yang jumped 75ft in the air blasting away some beowolves that were on the ground. Whilst in the air she didn't notice the three small nevermores that were behind her and ended up knocking her down. Blake was also picking off grim with her pistol and slashing the ones that came to close. Weiss was generating multiple ice picks and shooting them toward the incoming grimm.

Paul and the other 2 were running low on ammo so they resorted to stabbing grimm with their bayonets. Most grimm had been killed by team RWBY but there were still some left that they took care of. Ruby let out a sigh of relief becaus she thought no grimm were left. That was until she saw a vast amount off grimm coming out of streets, alleyways and that hole in the ground that was yet to be sealed. There was also the issue of the scorpion grimm and snake grimm who were wrecking the city.
Ruby knew that they couldn't handle them alone so she took out her scroll and called for some backup.

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