01 - The Creatures of The Forest

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The light came in before Sabrina was ready for it. She tossed and turned in bed, but she knew better than to pretend to be still asleep. Her father wouldn't say a thing — he loved her and pampered her very much — but the others wouldn't like it, especially the Na'vi.

As it was told her: it is a blessing to get accepted in their community, so you need to be thankful and be helpful, acting as a regular active part of their system. That meant walking up early and working her ass off.

"Morning, sunshine," Dr Patel said to Sabrina, for he was the only one left at the base home when she finally got up and changed.

Sabrina didn't even bother smiling and went straight to the kettle with the hot herb tea, a special recipe given by the Omaticayans. The other scientists did not like it much but drank it for lacking better options. Sabrina couldn't be sure, but she heard a rumour that coffee was the first thing to be over within the leftover supplies of RDA.

However, she liked the tea as much as the rest of the Omaticayans' food. She knew nothing better, or at least it was how her father put it. She was the second human born in Pandora — she never knew of Planet Earth except for videos, pictures and stories.

Her father used to joke that they were opposites: he grew up hearing of Pandora and its wonders; she grew up hearing of Earth and its horrors.

After her mother's death, her father had the chance to travel back to his planet, but he thought better not, for his daughter could not endure the travel, and even if she could, he knew Sabrina would have a better quality life amongst the Na'vi than the humans.

"Where's my dad?" she asked after a long sip of her tea.

Dr Patel didn't even bother looking up to answer her. "With the children."

Sabrina sighed but left behind what was left of her tea and got a protective mask. Max Patel had many plants to analyze, yet that day, looking for medical solutions for human-caused problems, and Sabrina was a big girl with sufficient knowledge of the place to find her dad — the doctor did not need to worry.

Being Norm Spellman's daughter was no easy feature; he was one of the most accepted avatars, losing only to Jake Sully, who was technically no longer an avatar since he could not log off. Even with the convenience of keeping his human body, Norm spent most of his time as a Na'vi for more accessible communication with the orphaned kids he raised as if his own.

After the battle that destroyed Omaticaya's Hometree, many small blue children were left parentless, and Dr Spellman found there a chance to be helpful to the people. Sabrina hated sharing her dad growing up, but after she turned 11, that stopped bothering her so much. Well, except when it served as a reminder that she'd never be as helpful as Norm and the others with avatar bodies.

Dr Patel was teaching her a bit of science, for she could be valuable in other ways, but she was proving to be a problematic student — besides, she wanted to be a helper directly in touch with the Na'vi, not from within a lab.

"Look, kids, who have arrived," said Norm, being the first to notice his daughter's entrance.

Sabrina looked at the children and smiled, but when she locked eyes with her father, she frowned her nose.

"Hi, Miss Spellman," the Na'vi kids said together.

Inside classroom "walls" (there weren't actual walls), she was Miss Spellman, an active helper of Dr Spellman, their official English teacher.

Sabrina felt dislocated being called "miss", for only the students did so. To her dad, she'd always be Lil' Brina; for the other human scientists, she was Norm's kid; for the Omaticayans the girl was friends with, she was just Sabrina.

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