"There's not much left for the insurance company," Father Gil said. "It was a suicide - I saw it myself."

"Well, this shouldn't take long, then," Dean told him.

Father Gil sighed. "That's where Andy did it. It's the first time I'd seen him in weeks. He used to come every Sunday."

"When did he stop?" Sam asked.

"Probably about... two months ago? Right around the time everything else started to change."

"Change how?"

"Oh, let's just say this used to be a town... you could be proud of. People... cared about each other. Andy sang in the choir, and then one day, he just... wasn't Andy anymore. It was like he was..."

"Possessed?" Susana finished.

"You could say that. Gambled away his money, cheated on his wife, destroyed his business. Yes, like a switch had flipped."

"Father, did you know the man who killed those folks in the hobby shop?"

"Sure, Tony Perkins."

"Tony Perkins," Sam repeated.

"Good man."

"Would you say that his personality suddenly changed one day, too?"

"I never thought about it that way, but... yes. about the same time as Andy — about two months ago."

"Well, thank you, Father," Dean said. "Appreciate your time."

Sam, Susana and Dean started to leave.

Sam said in an undertone to Dean and Kimi, mostly to his brother, "Two months ago, we open up the devil's gate, all of a sudden this town turns into Margaritaville? It's no coincidence."


Sam, Susana and Dean were entering their room, Dean chuckling at the mirrors on the ceiling, when the door across the hall opened.

"Richie," Dean called and the other guy looked up. "I don't believe it."

"Hey, Dean... Winchester, right?" Richie said. "Can't believe you're working with Susana Martínez."


A tall scantily dressed girl appeared from Richie's room. "This is my sister, uh, Cheryl."

"Hey," Cheryl greeted.

"Cheryl," Dean noted.

Richie handed Cheryl some money. "There." Cheryl left and he turned to Dean, Susana and Sam. "Well, you know... stepsister."

"Come on in. This is my brother, Sam. You clearly recognize Susie."

"Hey. How you doing?"

"Not too bad," Sam replied. "How do you two know each other?"

"You were in school," Dean told him.

"It was that succubus, in Canarsie right?" Richie said.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Oh, man. You should have seen the rack on this broad. Freakin' tragedy when I had to gank her."

"Whoa, whoa. Wait. Who killed her? If I remember, your ass was toast until I showed up."

"Oh, I forgot what a comedian this guy was."

"Richie, Richie, know what? I told you then and I'll tell you again — you're not cut out for this job. You're gonna get yourself killed."

Richie's phone rang. "Talk to me." He said to Dean, "FYI, Winchester — words hurt." He spoke to the caller. "Yeah?" He paused. "No, it's not a good time, babe. Later."

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