Escape To The Human Realm (chapter one)

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Your pov

I felt a small fluffy paw hit my face

???: bap!

I let out a groan and lazily pushed the small creature away

King: as king of demons, I command you to get up!

I mumble: I'm not a demon

I hear my demon brother sigh

King: fine, but Eda wants you. And, she'll be annoyed if you don't get up

I mumble: tell her, I'm busy sleeping

I hear his little footsteps leave my room. A smile appears on my face then I went back to sleep. After a few minutes, I felt myself turn upside down so I open my eyes to see mum smirking at me

Mum: good morning

She frees me making me land on the hard wooden floor. I let out a groan before standing up

Me: you're so evil

Mum: I'll meet you downstairs

She leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I roll my eyes and noticed she left a vine in my room, the one that held me up so I casually drew a circle making it set on fire. I smirk and once the fire was close to setting the house on fire, I drew a circle putting it out. I felt something land on my shoulder so I look to see my palisman making me pet it's head before opening my closet. I pull out some clothes then layed them on my bed

Me: what do you think?

I look at p/n who chirps in approval so I got changed as p/n went onto it's staff. I grab my staff then went downstairs to see King talking to his "army" while mum was playing Hexes Hold'em with Owlbert. My eyes lit up upon seeing them play Hexes Hold'em. Mum looks at me

Mum: y/n, you want to play the winner?

I nod and entered the kitchen. I make myself some breakfast then ate it. I entered the living room and noticed they had finished their game. Somehow Owlbert won so I sat on the other side of the table. I handed out the cards then we began to play

Half an hour later

I throw my head back with a groan escaping my lips. I look at the palisman who had just won

I groan: how?

It just chirps

Mum: alright, kid. Time to work

She throws me a bag which lands on my lap

Mum: as much as I love to dig through a trash slug, I have to tend to the stalls so it's up to you

Me: oh, but I know how much you like digging through those slugs. So, why don't I tend to the stall while you do what you love?

Mum: nope, you aren't getting out of this one

I let out a sigh then I spot King commanding his "army" making a smirk grow on my lips as an idea came to my mind. I look at mum

Me: I'll do it, if King comes with me

Mum: alright

Me: I'll get ready then

I go upstairs as I heard mum call for me

Mum calls: aren't you already, ready?!

I call: no!

I enter my room, grabbed some gloves, a mask that covers my nose and mouth, then I went back down. I put my items in my bag before looking at King's "army" to see him not there

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