{13.12} 𝚅𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 & 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚢 𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 2

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The Impala drives up with Dean, Sam, and Rowena.

"Welcome to Stillwater, Oklahoma." Sam Says

"How depressingly Midwestern." Rowena Says

"All right, Red. Where to?" Dean Asks

"The tracking spell isn't like GPS. The book is not moving and it's in this general area. We'll need to speak to the yokels." Rowena Says

"Okay, well, small-town folks usually like to look out for themselves." Dean Says

"I can make them talk." Rowena Says

"Uh, your spells tend to boil people's brains. So maybe let us handle it." Sam Says

"Fine, fine, we can do your very time-consuming investi..." Rowena Says, then starts snoring and pretends to fall asleep.

"Okay, see, "we" aren't doing anything." Dean Says

"I'll keep an eye on her." Sam Says

"Great." Dean Says

"Leave me with the babysitter if you must, but do start with the women." Dean turns and give her a questioning look. "Something tells me those girls aren't popular with other ladies." Rowena Says



In Hell's prison we see the demon, Dipper, walking down the corridor.

"Face it. You are useless and impotent and unnecessary, and you will die alone, unmourned." Castiel Says, Dipper stops in front of Castiel's cell.

"You talking to me, pretty boy?" Dipper Asks

"No, he's talking to me. Yeah." Lucifer Says

"Yeah. Well, he does have a point. Aw, did you lose your little stick?" Dipper Says

"I did." Lucifer Says

Lucifer uses his new-found power to pin the demon to the outside of the cell. The electricity from the bars crackles as Lucifer grabs the demon by the throat.

"How did you..." Dipper Says

"Turns out rage is a good motivator." Dipper cries out in pain "And I think you forgot something. I'm Lucifer." He stabs the demon in the neck with the stick "Told you size didn't matter." Lucifer Says

The demon Dipper takes a step back, holding his bleeding neck.

"You..." Dipper Says

Lucifer swings the cell door open "Whoops."

Dipper turns to run only to face Castiel outside his cell.

"Someone got mad and broke his warding." Castiel Says, then smites the demon.

Lucifer and Castiel make for the exit armed with an angel blade. Two demons show up behind them, quickly joined by two more, Lucifer raises the angel blade in his hands.

"Good times." Lucifer Says



"Well, this is boring. Is there... I don't know, music?" Rowena Says

"Yeah, yeah. Dean has a tape of Led Zeppelin's "Moby Dick" with an 8-minute drum solo." He reached into the glove box "Let me see, It's around here somewhere." Sam Says

𝚂 𝚞 𝚙 𝚎 𝚛 𝚗 𝚊 𝚝 𝚞 𝚛 𝚊 𝚕 • 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 12 Where stories live. Discover now