Wednesday's Hesitation

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Both girls went to the communal showers. They were relatively empty, and despite the gray tones of the tiles, were well illuminated.

Enid, being an outgoing girl, quickly doffed her clothes. She took off her torn pajama pants revealing downy blonde hairs on her shins. Sliding her panties off she showed her blonde bush, barely covering her pinkness, still glistening from the morning's activities. Pulling off her top revealed her small breasts, barely an A cup, with areola so pale they blended in with her breast in color.

Wednesday, on the other hand, was slower to strip, but feeling it was the proper thing to do, given what had done on today. She pulled down her pajama bottoms and panties, revealing a shortly trimmed raven bush covering her intimacy. She sighed, and pulled up her striped shirt, revealing a black bra with her breasts pale against the fabric.

Enid was surprised her breasts were as large as they seemed. Almost C cups. Wednesday was used to using layers to hide any aspect of her femininity from the outside world, and was more embarrassed than proud of their size. She unfastened her bra, and her breasts became bare, her nipples a brownish pink that told her true heritage. But what shocked Enid the most was a three-inch long scar on her sternum.

Wednesday saw Enid's eyes tracing her scar, and her arms folded to cover her breasts and scar in one motion, walking to her new lover in the shower. Enid cautiously took Wednesday's hand in hers, drew her arms down, and lightly traced the path of the scar on her chest with her finger.

"When I was born, doctors found an issue with my heart. They corrected it, but I've always been self conscious of the scar. My parents used to joke the doctor let all my emotions out. But they're wrong. I have emotions. I just don't like to share them. I don't like the power they give others over me. It's easier to be a bitch. Easier to be numb to the world," Wednesday said.

Enid looked into Wednesday's brown eyes. "You hide behind your clothes, hide behind your walls, but you're a beautiful woman and deserve to be loved." Her hands rose to unfasten Wednesday's braids and slowly used her fingers to loosen the hair until it hang in a halo around her neck. "But you don't have to hide from me anymore."

Enid held Wednesday's chin in her hands, and brought her mouth to hers. A tender kiss, more to show that they were there for each other. Not born of passion, but of acceptance, tolerance, and having found someone who would accept them for them. Wednesday knew Enid would keep her secrets and protect her. And Enid knew the same of Wednesday.

The water wash the tension away as the girls soaped each other's back up, first Enid cleaning Wednesday, then Wednesday cleaning Enid's. Both were jealous of what the other woman had - petiteness Enid had that Wednesday wish she could hide from the world with, and breasts and hips Enid wished she would someday have of her own. In the shower, though, hands cleansed and explored each other.

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