Wednesday's Analysis

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Wednesday woke up in Enid's bed, alone, with her sleepwear ripped. Unfamiliar, she looked around, and saw Enid sitting in the corner, holding her legs in her hands, eyes wide, staring into the waking Wednesday.

"From your appearance, I assume what I imagined happened last night really happened," Wednesday spoke in cautious, measured tones. Enid's face buried in her arms, her golden locks streaked with pink and blue resting alongside her knees. Wednesday adjusted herself, sat on the edge of the bed, and started to investigate her leaking hole.

Her fingers slid between her lower lips as her eyes took in every detail. The fluids, both hers and Enid's, spread on her fingertips as she brought them closer to her face. Ever the forensic expert, Wednesday used her senses to take everything in. Eyes. Nose. She even brought them to her lips, tasting the liquid on her fingertips.

"Fascinating. It doesn't surprise me that you're trans, Enid. Frankly, it does explain a bit. But you have nothing to hide from me. If it's a secret, it's safe with me. And I support you. You've been nothing but supportive to me." Wednesday's eyes demure focused on the ground. "Even if I haven't been the best friend."

Enid got up in a rush, nearly running to her bed, arms open. Then, thinking, she folded her arms and just sat next to Wednesday. "I'm sorry, roomie," she said, "I've never done anything like that before. I've never even..." Her eyes dropped down.

"You've never touched yourself before?" Wednesday was astonished. As outgoing as she was, she found it hard to fathom Enid had never investigated her own body.

"It's just not something I ever did," Enid replied, blushing. "And I'm not trans. I am bi, but everyone already knows that. It's no secret. But I'm definitely female."

"Well, it appears your lupine form begs to differ," Wednesday quipped, "I mean, I certainly felt something masculine last night. And Enid's face flew three shades of red as her head dipped down again.

Wednesday's hand went to Enid's chin, lifting it up so their eyes met. "It wasn't unwelcome, just unexpected. Girls have needs, from time to time. I've even explored myself before. More to release stress and test my...limits." Wednesday had never exposed herself like this before, but after last night, were there really any limits between her and Enid?

Wednesday grabbed a mirror, lay with her back against Enid's headboard, and patted the mattress between her thighs. "Sit here," Wednesday deadpan commanded Enid, and the timid wolfling did as she bade. "Lay back against my chest. We are going to explore your body."

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