Wednesday's Defense

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Enid stormed over to Wednesday's bed, where she was sitting, still in her torn clothes, pencil writing in her book. She punched her shoulder, hard. Wednesday met her gaze with wide eyes.

"Goddammit, Wednesday, every time I feel we are making progress, you pull something to force distance between us. Talk to me!" Wednesday's eyes focused on her angry roommates, and she set her book down open in her lap. Enid clenched it out of her lap and looked at what was more important than her. More important than them.

She saw a drawing of her. Of both of them. Them dancing. Them having a picnic. Them walking hand in hand. She flipped the pages back. More drawings of Enid. More drawings of them. And were those hearts? Little black hearts? The pages kept going back. Days? Weeks? Some of these drawings must have been at least a month old.

Wednesday's eyes dropped down as she spoke. "I...don't do emotions well." Her eyes rose back to meet Enid's. "You may have noticed. I'm a problem solver. I saw you were in pain and...I wanted to help. I...I care for you, Enid. And I'm sorry I can't find the right words. I don't know why words fail me when you are involved. When...we are involved." Her eyes dropped again, her hands folded in her lap.

"We?" Enid's smile nearly wrapped from ear-to-ear as she grasped Wednesday's hands from her lap? "We're a we now?" She nearly squealed, and Wednesday winced from the sharpness of her voice. "If...if you're ok with it," Wednesday said, demurely dipping her head down again.

Enid picked up Wednesday's chin, her neon nails stark against the porcelain skin, and brought her lips to hers. They touched gingerly, their first kiss, and Enid was startled by the warmth behind the black lip gloss Wednesday wore. As Enid took Wednesday's lower lip between hers, her tongue ran the length of it, and the raven's dark eyes closed in the feeling it elicited.

And, after a few minutes, they stopped and caught their breath. "We really should go take a shower," Wednesday suggested. "We both smell pretty rank right now."

"We should take a shower?" Enid asked, a smile crawling across her face? "We." And a similar smirk grew on Wednesday's face. 

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